Articles by Anne Kauranen, Joanna Plucinska and James Pearson

What Is GPS Jamming and Why Is It an Aviation Problem?

Estonia has accused neighboring Russia of jamming GPS navigation devices in airspace above the Baltic states, echoing concerns from airlines that say they have been contending with such interference for months. Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna’s accusation, for which he …

Aviation Sector Sees No Quick Tech Solution to GPS ‘Spoofing’ Interference Problem

Global regulators, aviation security specialists and manufacturers failed to reach an agreement on a quick technical fix to the problem of GPS spoofing near war zones at a meeting on Thursday [Jan. 25], instead calling for better training of pilots …

Airlines Cleared to Inspect Grounded Boeing Jets After Mid-Air Incident

A delay in the inspection of grounded Boeing jets ended on Monday after U.S. officials retrieved a panel that blew off an Alaska Airlines 737 MAX 9 airliner and shares in the planemaker sagged on concerns over the troubled jet …

Japan Airline’s Runway Collision Marks Test of How New Carbon Jets Cope in Disaster

Tuesday’s runway collision in Japan marks the first time a modern lightweight airliner has burnt down and is being seen as a test case for how well a new generation of carbon-composite airplanes copes with a catastrophic fire. The Japan …

Airline Industry to Meet to Discuss Safety Concerns Around Spike in GPS Spoofing

Global aviation industry leaders will meet in January to discuss safety concerns around increased GPS interference by cyberattackers steering planes off course, an International Air Transport Association executive said on Wednesday. Global Positioning System (GPS) spoofing has spiked in recent …