Articles by John Abbott

How to Improve Your Agency’s Marketing Materials

Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and energy to produce? Chances are your customers didn’t even read it – much less use it to make an informed decision about your products and services. The fact is …

Why Carriers’ Producer Bulletins Are Like Greyhound Buses

What Agents Should Expect in Bulletins from Their Companies Communications from carriers are crucial to an agency’s business. Through producer bulletins, carriers describe changes, policy updates, and other business matters. Yet producer bulletins are the Greyhound buses of agent-carrier communication …

How to Improve Your Agency’s Marketing Materials

Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and energy to produce? Chances are your customers didn’t even read it — much less use it to make an informed decision about your products and services. The fact is …

Why Carriers’ Producer Bulletins Are Like Greyhound Buses

Communications from carriers are crucial to an agency’s business. Through producer bulletins, carriers describe changes, policy updates, and other business matters. Yet producer bulletins are the Greyhound buses of agent-carrier communication — they’re often overflowing with information, not very pretty …

Best Practices in Marketing Communications

Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and energy to produce? Chances are your customers didn’t even read it — much less use it to make an informed decision about your products and services. The fact is …

Best Practices in Marketing Communications

Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and energy to produce? Chances are your customers didn’t even read it — much less use it to make an informed decision about your products and services. The fact is …

Best Practices in Marketing Communications

Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and energy to produce? Chances are your customers didn’t even read it — much less use it to make an informed decision about your products and services. The fact is …

Agency Co-branding: How to Work in Tandem with Carriers and Others

One of the most effective ways for an agency to build its book of business is through a co-branded marketing campaign with one of its carriers, a vendor that provides a unique service, or even another agency with complementary products …

Agency Co-branding: How to Work in Tandem with Carriers and Others

One of the most effective ways for an agency to build its book of business is through a co-branded marketing campaign with one of its carriers, a vendor that provides a unique service or even another agency with complementary products …

Agency Co-branding: How to Work in Tandem with Carriers and Others

One of the most effective ways for an agency to build its book of business is through a co-branded marketing campaign with one of its carriers, a vendor that provides a unique service, or even another agency with complementary products …