Articles by John Chivvis

What’s in a (Domain) Name’

You’d be surprised just how many people tell me that they don’t seem to be getting much activity on their website. My first question is always, “Well, what’s your URL?” What I find fascinating in their answer is that the …

Site Seeing: Becoming Resourceful with Your E-mail

If you remember, I mentioned in my last column that I’ve been looking for a new minivan for the Chivvis brood. Well, I am still looking, talking and haggling. But on a positive note, I think I’ve narrowed it down …

Getting your message across instantly

If you remember, I mentioned in my last column that I’ve been looking for a new minivan for the Chivvis brood. Well, I am still looking, talking and haggling. But on a positive note, I think I’ve narrowed it down …

I hate buying a new car. It is just an ugly process.

You see, the Chivvis household is expecting a second child in November and you know what that means. That is, aside from the crying, feeding and changing and consequent lack of sleep. That’s right. It’s time to buy a minivan. … Diamond in the Rough Diamond in the Rough Diamond in the Rough

When I research sites or applications or even claims, I try to go in with the perspective of “how do I or other insurance professionals experience this site and how does it respond to me?” This allows me to be …

Getting the “point” across

With the way dot-coms have come and gone, I was asked the other day to take a look at InsurePoint (www.insurepoint. com). And as I opened up my browser, I realized that I mentioned them in a column a while …

Site Seeing – Adding Features Without Adding Dollars

One of the biggest struggles an agency can have with their web site is keeping the content fresh or making the site look like it is continually being updated. For those of you who suffer with this, you might want …

A diamond in the rough

When I research sites or applications or even claims, I try to go in with the perspective of “how do I or other insurance professionals experience this site and how does it respond to me?” This allows me to be …

Adding features and freshness without adding dollars

One of the biggest struggles an agency can have with their Web site is keeping the content fresh or making the site look like it is continually being updated. For those of you who suffer with this, you might want …