Articles by Carolyn Cohn and John O'Donnell

Europe’s Insurers Turn to Risky Property Investments, in Hunt for Better Returns

Traditionally conservative European insurers and pension funds are turning increasingly to risky property bets on everything from new homes in provincial Britain to car parks at Brussels airport, as they feel the pinch from rock-bottom interest rates. While much is …

Report: Former EU Banker Urges Reactivate Securitization to Enhance Credit

Jacques de Larosiere says he is an isolated and modest man. Yet the 84-year-old former head of the International Monetary Fund is one of the most influential voices in European and global finance. An eminence grise as respected among France’s …

EU’s Justice Chief Reding Warns UK Exit Would Isolate City of London

London’s financial services center would lose access to the wider European Union should Britain quit the bloc, the EU’s justice chief said on Monday, warning that such a move would reduce its status to that of an offshore center. Viviane …

Corruption Costs European Economy $162 Billion a Year

EU-U.S. Trade Talks Halted by Shutdown, Complicated by Financial Services Rift

Even before the cancellation of the latest round of EU-U.S. talks, negotiations to create the world’s largest free-trade deal were getting into difficulty territory. France won a concession to leave European movies and entertainment out of the pact, to shield …

EU Countries to Receive Go-ahead for Financial Transaction Tax

Germany, France and nine other euro zone countries will get the go-ahead on Tuesday to push on with a financial transactions tax, a measure likely to unsettle banks but which will please voters and raise much-needed revenue. European Union finance …

Europe Deepens Union with ECB as Chief Bank Watchdog

Europe clinched a deal on Thursday to give the European Central Bank new powers to supervise euro zone banks from 2014, embarking on the first step in a new phase of closer integration to help underpin the euro. After more …

EU Proposes Cross-Border Bank Rescues

European Union countries could be obliged to bail out one another’s struggling banks, according to a draft EU law that marks a big step towards greater EU financial integration likely to upset some members, particularly Germany. Spain’s banking troubles and …

Europe at Impasse on Greece, IMF Backs Investor Role

The International Monetary Fund joined Germany on Wednesday in pushing for private sector investors [presumably including the EU’s insurers] to help cut Greece’s debt mountain as the euro zone sought to break an impasse on how and when to grant …

Rating Agencies Might Stop Reports Due to EU Threats Say Sources

Credit rating agencies have warned the European Commission that they could stop rating risky countries if the EU executive goes ahead with plans to make them legally liable for errors of judgment, industry sources said. Tensions have been rising between …