Articles by John Tozzi

Helmet Technology Could Signal Concussions During Games

When the Steelers and Patriots clash on Thursday night in football’s season opener, you’ll see 250-pound men slam into each other, head to head, at high speed. And get concussions? There’s no easy way to tell. That goes for young …

FDA Warns Medical Device Makers on Superbugs

The Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters last week to three medical device manufacturers whose endoscopes have been blamed for spreading deadly bacteria. This is the agency’s strongest regulatory action yet since outbreaks in Los Angeles, Seattle, and elsewhere …

Kids’ Biking Deaths Decline But Adult Deaths Rise

The rate of cycling deaths among American children under the age of 15 has fallen 92 percent since 1975. That doesn’t mean the roads are safer—it may just mean kids are riding bikes less. The Centers for Disease Control reported …

Health Costs in Record Slowdown But Do Consumers Notice?

The price of health care has grown more slowly than core consumer prices—what Americans spend on everything except food and energy—over the past five years. It’s the first time that’s happened since record-keeping started in 1959. That’s a remarkable break …

How Obamacare Has Avoided Death Spiral

Not so long ago, critics of Obamacare were warning of death spirals, the risk that too many sick people and not enough healthy ones would sign up for insurance, triggering a cycle of ever higher costs for insurers and steep …

Mental Health in Workplace: Employee’s Privacy vs. Employer’s Right to Know

How do you stop a mentally ill person from sitting down at the controls of a jetliner, or a nuclear power plant, or from holstering a gun for a night on the beat? The news that the pilot of the …