Articles by Donna Smith and John Whitesides

U.S. Senate Panel Rejects Public Healthcare Option; More Votes Ahead

A U.S. Senate panel Tuesday rejected a government-run “public” insurance option as part of a broad healthcare overhaul, handing insurers an early victory and setting the stage for a long fight over one of the bill’s most contentious issues. The …

U.S. Senate Panel Takes On Health Care Plan

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee opened consideration of its long-delayed health care reform bill Tuesday, with affordability topping the list of concerns for Democrats who control the panel. Committee members filed 564 potential amendments to the health care plan offered …

Senate Panel’s 10-Year, $856 Billion Healthcare Plan Excludes Public Option

Senator Max Baucus unveiled his plan for a 10-year, $856 billion healthcare overhaul Wednesday that would revamp insurance rules but does not include a government-run option backed by liberal Democrats. Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, made the …

Critics Attacked Senate Health Bill Before Its Unveiling

Critics in both parties assailed the Senate Finance Committee’s healthcare reform plan Tuesday, the day before the panel publishes a long-awaited bill that could form the basis for compromise in Congress. Democratic Senator John Rockefeller, a Finance panel member and …

Obama Urges Congress to End Bickering and Pass Healthcare Reform

President Barack Obama told Congress Wednesday to end its political bickering and move quickly on a broad healthcare overhaul that would dramatically transform the U.S. health system and insurance market. In a sometimes emotional speech, Obama said lawmakers were closer …

Obama Signals Compromise on Public Health Option

The government-run health insurance option favored by President Barack Obama is not essential to a healthcare overhaul as long as the final measure boosts competition, a top U.S. health official said Sunday. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said …

U.S. Senate May Drop Public Health Care Option

Lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol struggled to reach a health care deal Tuesday, with Senate Democrats near agreement with three Republicans on a plan that would not include a government-run insurance option backed by President Barack Obama. After …

McCain Pushes Tax Credit, Choice as U.S. Health Care Fix

Republican presidential candidate John McCain called Tuesday for greater competition for health care coverage for Americans, saying more choices for insurance will drive down costs and improve the system. On a campaign swing to highlight his health care proposals, the …