Articles by Jonathan J. Cooper

Ski Areas Ask Oregon Legislature For Liability Protection

Ski areas are asking the Oregon Legislature for enhanced protection from lawsuits after the state Supreme Court invalidated the broad liability waivers often printed on the back of lift tickets. Ski facility executives told the Senate Judiciary Committee this week …

Climate Change Measure Advanced in Oregon Senate

The Oregon Senate this week passed a climate change bill that was one of Gov. John Kitzhaber’s top legislative priorities. The approval in a 17-13 vote sent the measure to the state House. The bill would extend Oregon’s low-carbon fuel …

Injured Snowboarder Can Sue, Oregon High Court Rules

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled a ski resort’s broad liability waiver cannot prevent a paralyzed snowboarder from suing. The justices ruled that the liability waiver was “unconscionable” and contrary to public policy, potentially opening the door for more people …

Oregon Lawmakers Told By Oracle Lawsuit is a Waste Of Money

Oracle Corp. is appealing to Oregon legislative leaders in the legal fight over the failed Cover Oregon health insurance website. In a letter sent last week to Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek, Oracle CEO Safra Catz …

Oregon Legislature Approves Bills Aimed at Fixing Ills at Insurance Exchange

Two bills aimed at rectifying the problems at Cover Oregon and avoiding repeats in the future advanced in the Oregon Legislature, garnering overwhelming support despite warnings from critics that they will have little effect. The Senate voted to require that …

Oregon Disaster Agency Issues Revealed in Audit

Oregon’s emergency management agency may not be well equipped to recover from a major disaster because of a history of leadership problems and an incomplete plan to handle emergencies, according to an audit issued by the Secretary of State’s office. …

Oregon Looks At Beefing Up Health Insurance Premium Reviews

Oregon health officials are considering whether to use the state’s authority to approve or reject health insurance premiums as a tool to drive down health care costs. The idea is one of several suggestions for improving the health care system …

Oregon Threatens To Decertify Workers’ Comp Group

Oregon insurance regulators said that they’ve taken the first steps toward decertifying a workers’ compensation self-insurance trust and will shut it down next week if the employers can’t come up with $750,000. The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services …

Oregon To Spend $20 Million Promoting Health Law

Two local folk singers, strumming guitars and crooning about the virtues of Oregon, have become the first tool in a $20 million campaign to convince Oregon’s uninsured to buy health insurance. Musicians Laura Gibson and Matt Sheehy appear in ads …

Doctors, Lawyers Support Oregon Medical Errors Bill

Usually staunch adversaries, doctors and trial lawyers have both gotten behind an Oregon bill creating a new mediation process for patients injured by medical mistakes, which is aimed at reducing medical liability claims. Gov. John Kitzhaber, a doctor, called their …