Articles by Jonathan Lynn

WTO’s Lamy Tells Negotiators to Push for Doha Deal

Members of the World Trade Organization are showing new energy and determination to reach a global trade deal but must now abandon fixed positions to clinch the agreement, the head of the WTO said on Tuesday. WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy …

WTO Head Warns Stimulus Measures May Have Impact on Trade

Stimulus and bailout packages undertaken to cope with the economic crisis can have an impact on trade and investment and need to be managed carefully, according to the head of the World Trade Organization. Director-General Pascal Lamy said the WTO …

WTO Questions China’s Export Barriers

China’s curbs on exports of some raw materials to conserve resources may not meet the stated goals, while giving Chinese manufacturers an unfair advantage, the World Trade Organization said on Monday. The remarks, in a report prepared for China’s two-yearly …

WTO Needs ‘Political Miracle’ to Conclude Doha Deal in 2010

Members of the World Trade Organization are likely to conclude next week that it will take a political miracle to agree a new trade deal this year, consigning yet another Doha round deadline to the dustbin. The U.S. and European …

WTO Members Narrow Gaps on Standards in Doha Round Advance

Trading powers have made significant progress this week narrowing their differences on non-tariff barriers — the health or safety standards that can be abused to block imports, a senior diplomat said on Thursday. The movement is a rare sign of …

Doha Round Talks Now an ‘End-Game’ Says Australian Trade Minister

The World Trade Organization’s Doha round to free up trade is nearly complete and world leaders are voicing the political will to reach a deal next year, Australian Trade Minister Simon Crean said on Wednesday. But at a meeting of …

New H1N1 Flu Virus Not Quite a Pandemic-Yet, Says WHO

The new H1N1 virus shows no signs of sustained person-to-person spread outside of North America and so has not yet tipped over into a pandemic, a top World Health Organization official said Monday. Dr. Keiji Fukuda, acting WHO assistant director-general, …

World Trade Talks Stall as Troubles Grow

Progress towards a global trade deal ground to a halt on Monday as the United States clashed with China and India over access to their rapidly growing markets and key European Union states demanded better terms. Negotiators battled over a …

World Trade Organization Mediators Report Progress in Negotiations

World Trade Organization mediators in Geneva put the final touches to new negotiating texts on Thursday that will serve as the blueprint for an outline deal in the WTO’s long-running Doha round, trade officials said. The chairmen of talks in …

Ministers Meet in Paris to Keep Trade Talks Alive

Ministers from major trading nations will try to keep struggling world talks alive today, June 5, with supporters saying a deal could help offset the global food crisis and soften the economic slowdown. Ministers from the United States, the European …