Articles by Jonathan Matisse

Industries Want West Virginia to Delay Storage Tank Regulations

Months after state officials approved a law to safeguard against chemical spills, West Virginia industry groups want some requirements delayed and some of their storage tanks shielded from added oversight. Though the new 95-page law becomes effective this week, stakeholders …

In Charleston, Business Interruption Losses from Chemical Spill Take Toll

Restaurants and storefronts are buzzing again in West Virginia’s capital city of Charleston, but many still haven’t filled a financial hole after chemicals sullied their running water and forced them to close several days in January. “I don’t foresee ever …

Freedom Industries Chief Drops Pay, Insurance Requests in West Virginia Spill

The president of Freedom Industries “bears no fault” for a West Virginia chemical spill that spurred a water-use ban for up to 10 days for 300,000 people, his lawyer said in a court filing. On Friday, Freedom President Gary Southern …

West Virginia Lawmakers OK Chemical Spill Bill As Session Ends

Leading up to a midnight deadline, West Virginia lawmakers scrambled Saturday to give teachers raises and hike the minimum wage. A Jan. 9 chemical spill into the water supply loomed over the session, which began three days before 300,000 people …

West Virginia Lawmakers Amend Chemical Spill Bill As Session Nears End

As time ticks away, West Virginia lawmakers are suggesting another face-lift for a bill that would tighten aboveground storage tank regulations and safeguard water systems against chemical spills. The House of Delegates Judiciary Committee introduced an amended bill last Thursday …

West Virginia Denied FEMA Grant for Chemical Spill

Federal officials have denied West Virginia’s request for emergency grants to reimburse first responders, nonprofits and public agencies that assisted during last month’s chemical spill. FEMA said in a letter that the spill “was not of such severity and magnitude” …

West Virginia Chemical Firm Files for Bankruptcy As Litigation Begins

The company blamed for a chemical spill that left 300,000 West Virginians without safe drinking water filed for bankruptcy, temporarily shielding it from dozens of lawsuits, many by businesses that were forced to shut down for days. Freedom Industries Inc. …

West Virginia Chemical Spill Firm Says It Has Insurance

The embattled company behind West Virginia’s chemical spill has reached a bankruptcy court deal for up to $4 million in credit from a lender to help continue operations, an attorney said. The arrangement will allow the company to continue paying …

West Virginia Politicians Call for State, Federal Regulation of Chemicals

West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin this week proposed tighter regulations for chemical storage facilities after a spill contaminated the water supply for 300,000 people. Tomblin, the Democratic governor, urged passage of a chemical storage …

Inspectors Cite Company in West Virginia Spill for Violations at Other Site

The company whose spill contaminated the water supply for 300,000 West Virginians has been cited for violations at a second facility where it’s storing chemicals. Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Tom Aluise says inspectors found five violations Monday at a …