Articles by Joyce Rosenberg

Small Businesses May Need to Spend a Little to Cut Expenses

Uncertain economic times prompt many small business owners to look for ways to cut costs. There are obvious ones, like buying energy-efficient light bulbs and forgoing national brands for the store’s own label when buying office supplies. But many owners …

As Stocks Fall, Small Businesses Urged to Start Retirement Plans

Amid the turbulence of the plunging stock market, there’s a great opportunity for small business owners — if they set up retirement plans now, they’ll position themselves and their employees for big gains when Wall Street finally recovers. And it’s …

N.Y., Northeast Small Businesses Face Need for Disaster Insurance

Many small business owners in New York and the Northeast are still trying to recover from floods caused by as much as eight inches of rain earlier this month. Those who had flood insurance can recoup some of their losses, …

Small Business Hopes Elections Address Health, Taxes, Regulation

Some of the most frustrating problems facing small business owners — the ever-rising cost of health coverage, expanding government regulations and uncertainty about taxes — are again concerns as the midterm elections approach. Owners have hopes for change on some …

Owners Often Overlook Need for Business Interruption Coverage

Although most small business owners know they need property and casualty insurance for their premises, many don’t realize they need specialized insurance coverage to limit their losses from a disaster. Perhaps the biggest omission owners make when buying a commercial …