Articles by Julie Steenhuyse

Officials Warn Vaping Illness Hasn’t Peaked, Cause of Illnesses Still Unknown

The number of cases reported in the epidemic of lung-related injuries from vaping appears to be leveling off or declining, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Friday, but it is too early to say whether …

Medical Association Calls for Americans to Stop Vaping as Illnesses, Deaths Rise

The American Medical Association on Monday urged Americans to stop using electronic cigarettes of any sort until scientists have a better handle on the cause of 450 lung illnesses and at least five deaths related to the use of the …

Zika Reveals Gaps in U.S. Mosquito Control Options

Over Wynwood, the Miami neighborhood where Zika gained a foothold in the continental United States, low flying planes have been spraying naled, a tightly controlled pesticide often used as a last resort. It appears to be working, killing at least …

Strong Earthquakes Abroad Could Weaken Geologic Faults in U.S.

Powerful earthquakes may be a trigger for weakening geologic faults a half a world away, U.S. researchers said this week in a study that points to new ways to predict earthquakes. “Earthquakes are caused when a fault fails, either because …

Strong Earthquakes Abroad Could Weaken Geologic Faults in U.S.

Powerful earthquakes may be a trigger for weakening geologic faults a half a world away, U.S. researchers said this week in a study that points to new ways to predict earthquakes. “Earthquakes are caused when a fault fails, either because …

U.S. Should Focus on Value, Pay Doctors a Salary: Healthcare Experts

The secret to fixing healthcare in the United States is to focus on value, a measure that takes into account both quality and cost, says Dr. Denis Cortese, president of the Mayo Clinic. The Rochester, Minnesota-based network of clinics is …