Articles by Julie Tinney

Julie Tinney, Chief Marketing Officer at Wells Media Group, is responsible for leading the company's promotional and branding strategies, sales management, corporate communications and public relations. Her love of the media profession began with a position at Petersen Publishing Co. in Los Angeles. She was the Western Regional Sales Manager for Selling Power Magazine, and also owned an independent media rep firm. Tinney holds a B.A. in Communications from the University of Texas at Arlington and is a graduate of the Stanford Publishing Course. She has presented to media and insurance groups including the Western Publications Association, the Texas Surplus Lines Association, the Insurance Agency Association Executives, and was a featured speaker at Folio's MediaNext conference and the Audience Development Magazine webinar series. Tinney is an advertising, marketing and gadget geek, a music and animal lover, and a doting mom.

My Love/Hate Relationship with LinkedIn

I dedicate this complaining blog post to Andy Rooney. Did you ever notice you get tons of LinkedIn requests? I do. Lots from vendors. Lots from job hunters. People I used to work with. Most from people that I’ve never …

Welcome to the Insurance Journal Advertising & Marketing Blog!

Last week an email went out to the company congratulating me on 21 years with Wells Publishing, Inc. Now this made me feel very old so I immediately emailed back that I was only 12 when I started with the …