Articles by Bernard Condon and Justin Pritchard

Associated Press

Kobe Bryant’s Death Throws Spotlight on Crash-Warning System

The crash that killed nine people including Kobe Bryant has led to calls for crash-warning systems to be installed in more helicopters, but regulators and pilots worry that the instrument can trigger too many alarms and prove distracting. “Another warning …

Report: Self-Driving Prototypes Getting Better at Navigating California Streets

Self-driving car prototypes appear to be getting better at negotiating California streets and highways without a human backup driver intervening, according to data made public by California transportation regulators. The data reflect safety-related incidents reported by 11 companies that have …

Report: Self-Driving Prototypes Getting Better at Navigating California Streets

Self-driving car prototypes appear to be getting better at negotiating California streets and highways without a human backup driver intervening, according to data made public by California transportation regulators. The data reflect safety-related incidents reported by 11 companies that have …

California Vs. Uber in Legal Bout over Self-driving Cars

Uber is riding its self-driving cars into a legal showdown with California regulators. The ridesharing company is refusing to obey demands by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles that it immediately stop picking up San Francisco passengers in self-driving cars. …

Self-Driving Cars Still Need Human Help in California Tests

Futuristic self-driving cars traveling along California roads have needed plenty of old-fashioned human intervention to stay safe. California’s Department of Motor Vehicles this week released reports filed by seven companies the agency gave permission to test prototype vehicles in public. …

Federal Transportation Officials Want Self-Driving Cars Sooner

Federal transportation officials are rethinking their position on self-driving cars with an eye toward getting the emerging technology into the public’s hands, according to a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Transportation. Just two years ago, the agency struck a …

California DMV’s Pedestrian Pace on Self-Driving Car Rules Makes Google Antsy

Hustling to bring cars that drive themselves to a road near you, Google finds itself somewhere that has frustrated many before: Waiting on the California Department of Motor Vehicles. The tech titan wants the freedom to give the public access …

Emission Scandal Puts VW Test Site in California Under Scrutiny

When Volkswagen opened its gleaming pollution testing center near the California coast, a top executive from the German automaker helped snip the blue ribbon and joined a tour of a lab so advanced that VW would brag the air inside …

Self-Driving Cars Getting Hit in California

Four of the nearly 50 self-driving cars now rolling around California have gotten into accidents since September, when the state began issuing permits for companies to test them on public roads. Two accidents happened while the cars were in control; …

California DMV to Miss Deadline for Autonomous Vehicle Rules

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles will miss a year-end deadline to adopt new rules for cars of the future because regulators first have to figure out how they’ll know whether “driverless” vehicles are safe. It’s a rare case of the …