Articles by Andrew Welsh-Huggins and Kantele Franko

Ohio Court Rejects Caps on Damages in Some Child Rape Cases

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A woman repeatedly raped as a child is eligible for millions of dollars in additional compensation because a state cap on pain-and-suffering awards is unconstitutional as applied to cases like hers, a divided Ohio Supreme Court …

Court Revives Ohio State Sex Abuse Lawsuits

A federal appeals court ruling Wednesday revives unsettled lawsuits against Ohio State University over decades-old sexual abuse by the late team doctor Richard Strauss. A district judge in Columbus had dismissed most of the unsettled cases, acknowledging that hundreds of …

Judge Dismisses More Unsettled Lawsuits Over Sex Abuse by Ohio State Doctor

A federal judge on Monday dismissed more of the unsettled lawsuits filed by men who say Ohio State University failed to stop sexual abuse decades ago by now-deceased team doctor Richard Strauss. U.S. District Court Judge Michael Watson’s latest rulings …

Judge Dismisses Some Suits Against Ohio State Over Sex Abuse by Doc

A federal judge dismissed some of the biggest unsettled lawsuits over Ohio State’s failure to stop decades-old sexual abuse by now-deceased team doctor Richard Strauss, saying it’s indisputable Strauss abused hundreds of young men but agreeing with OSU’s argument that …

Dozens More Sue Ohio State over Doc’s Alleged Sex Abuse, Misconduct

Dozens more men are suing Ohio State over the university’s failure to stop sexual abuse and misconduct decades ago by team doctor Richard Strauss. They echo claims filed previously by over 400 men, many of whom allege they were groped …

Ohio State Plans Process to Settle with More Strauss Sex Abuse Victims

Ohio State University said on May 3 it is planning an individual settlement program that could help resolve more of the remaining claims over alleged sexual misconduct by Richard Strauss, the team doctor accused of abusing hundreds of young men …

Ohio State Doc Sex Abuse Case Settlements Now Top $46M

Ohio State University will pay $5.8 million to settle lawsuits by about two dozen more survivors over decades-old sexual abuse by a now-deceased team doctor, Richard Strauss — bringing the total settlements so far to $46.7 million for 185 survivors, …

Judge: Ohio Hospital, Insurer Need Not Fund Doc’s Murder Case Defense

A Michigan-based health system and its insurer don’t have to cover the costs of an Ohio doctor’s defense against murder charges in the deaths of 25 hospital patients, a federal judge ruled. William Husel is accused of ordering excessive painkillers …

Cost Unclear as Ohio State Settles Suits Over Doc Abuse

Ohio State reached an unspecified settlement with nearly half of the roughly 350 men who say they were sexually abused decades ago by a team doctor who was jokingly known among some athletes by nicknames like “Dr. Jelly Paws.” The …

Ohio Hospital Fined $400K over Painkiller Doses for Patients Who Died

The hospital system where an intensive care doctor was accused of ordering excessive painkiller doses for dozens of patients who died will be fined $400,000 for violating Ohio pharmacy law under a settlement announced on March 4. The Columbus-area Mount …