Articles by Daniel Leussink, Nobuhiro Kubo and Kaori Kaneko

Update: Japan Airlines Counts Losses From Wrecked Tokyo Plane

Japan Airlines (JAL) on Thursday said it expected losses of more than $100 million after one of its planes was destroyed when it collided with another aircraft on the runway at Tokyo’s Haneda airport this week. All 379 people on …

Japan, U.S. Agree on Tokyo Joining Trans-Pacific Trade Talks

Japan and the United States have agreed on a deal to allow Tokyo to join talks on a U.S.-led Asia-Pacific free trade pact that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is making a keystone of his strategy to open Japan’s economy and …

Report: Japan PM Abe’s Pacific Trade Pact Gambit Pays Off, for Now

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s first politically risky step of declaring the country’s intent to join talks on a U.S.-led Pacific Rim free trade pact appears to be paying off as his record high ratings edge even higher. Public opinion …

Thai Flood May Hit Asia Harder Than Japan Disaster: Official

The impact from Thailand floods on Asia’s production networks may last longer and be deeper than that from Japan’s March earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, a senior Asian Development Bank official said on Tuesday. Iwan Azis, head of ADB’s Office …

Crunching Japan’s Disaster Numbers: Final Bill May be Staggering

Japan’s government expects last month’s earthquake and tsunami to cost up to $300 billion in material damage, but the ultimate cost will be far higher. Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, could leave …

Japan Govt. Estimates Quake, Tsunami Damages at $185 to $308 Billion

The Japanese government on Wednesday estimated the direct damage from a deadly earthquake and tsunami that struck the country’s northeast this month at 16-25 trillion yen ($185-$308 billion), making it the world’s costliest natural disaster. It said the estimate covered …