Articles by Katharine Gemmell and Karin Matussek

Lawsuits Targeting ‘Climate Washing’ Becoming More Frequent

Companies accused of misrepresenting their progress on tackling climate change are increasingly finding themselves the target of litigants, as activist groups look to hold some of the world’s worst polluters to account. As many as 47 new climate washing cases …

Former VW Executives Ordered to Testify in Investor Lawsuit

A German court will call former Volkswagen AG executives as witnesses in a €9 billion ($9.8 billion) investor lawsuit over the diesel emissions scandal to find out what the top brass knew about the the so-called defeat device used in …

Porsche SE Wins Crucial Ruling in Stuttgart Investor Class-Action Lawsuit

Porsche Automobil Holding SE won a crucial ruling in a €900 million ($976 million) class-action style lawsuit from investors who claimed the company should have warned shareholders about the diesel-emission software rigging at Volkswagen AG. The Stuttgart Higher Regional Court …

Twitter Sued in Germany in Bid to Force Vetting of Antisemitic Posts

Twitter Inc. was hit by a lawsuit in Germany by an anti-hate speech organization and a European group of Jewish students in a bid to force the platform to remove antisemitic content. HateAid and the European Union of Jewish Students …

Tesla Sued in Germany Over Car Surveillance Cameras, Carbon Footprint Claims

Tesla Inc. was hit by a lawsuit in Germany over potential privacy concerns linked to its car surveillance cameras and claims that buying its vehicles helps cut CO2 emissions. VZBV, the main German consumer association, filed the action in a …

Volkswagen Targeted in Court Case That Seeks to Eliminate Polluting Cars by 2030

First it was oil giant Shell Plc, now it’s the turn of Europe’s biggest carmaker. In the wake of a landmark Dutch ruling a year ago which ordered Shell to cut its emissions by 45% by 2030, a German organic …

Investors Cannot Sue German Regulator for Wirecard Collapse, Court Rules

Investors who lost money from investing in Wirecard AG shares can’t make Germany’s financial regulator Bafin compensate them, a Frankfurt court ruled. The tribunal on Wednesday threw out four suits by shareholders who claimed they lost between 3,000 euros ($3,404) …

Jailed Ex-Wirecard CEO Files Lawsuit Against Chubb to Get D&O Coverage

Markus Braun, the former chief executive officer of scandal-ridden Wirecard AG who has been in jail for almost a year, sued insurance giant Chubb Ltd. to make it pick up his legal bills, people familiar with the case said. Braun, …

German Court Says EY Auditors Must Testify Before Parliamentary Panel About Wirecard

Two Ernst & Young auditors were told by a German court that they must testify before a parliamentary committee about their accounting work for scandal-ridden Wirecard AG. The ruling gives EY clarity about how much information it may disclose under …

Former Wirecard Executive Marsalek Placed on Interpol’s Most Wanted List

Former Wirecard AG executive Jan Marsalek was added to Interpol’s red notice list, sparking a worldwide manhunt for one of the executives allegedly at the center of a multibillion-euro accounting scandal at the fintech company The move alerts police worldwide …