Articles by Kate Kelland and Alissa de Carbonnel

European Food Safety Agency to Release Data on Weedkiller Roundup

Europe’s food safety watchdog will release data from some of the scientific studies it reviewed in its assessment of glyphosate, an ingredient in Monsanto’s widely used herbicide Roundup and subject of a fierce row over possible cancer risk. The European …

Scientists Calculate Risk of Ebola Spreading to France, Britain

Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date. Those …

Analysis: Deadly New Bird Flu Virus Vindicates Controversial Research

Scientists in the Dutch city of Rotterdam know precisely what it takes for a bird flu virus to mutate into a potential human pandemic strain, because they’ve created just such mutant viruses in the laboratory. So, as they watch with …

Scientists in Race to Gauge Pandemic Risk of New Bird Flu

Genetic sequence data on a deadly strain of bird flu previously unknown in people show the virus has already acquired some mutations that might make it more likely to cause a human pandemic, scientists say. But there is no evidence …

PIP Breast Implant Scandal Exposes Weaknesses in EU Safety Net

In June 2000, when American medical regulators posted a warning letter on the Internet about problems at a breast-implant maker in southern France, French authorities didn’t pay much attention. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection had found some …

Europe’s Lethal E.coli Strain May be Deadliest Yet

More than 1,600 people have been infected by a toxic strain of E.coli bacteria that has killed at least 17 and may be the deadliest yet in human history, health officials said on Friday. Germany is at the center of …

Scientists Downplay Health Risks of Fires Near Chernobyl Nuclear Plant

Fears that fires scorching forests polluted by Chernobyl fallout may propel dangerous amounts of radioactivity into the air are overblown, scientists say, and the actual health risks are very small. Even firefighters tackling the blazes, which officials say have hit …

UK Report Calls for Research on Nanoparticles in Food

A global scarcity of scientific research on using nanotechnology in foods means food safety authorities are unable to properly regulate products that may be beneficial or harmful, a British science panel said on Friday. The science and technology committee of …

Irish Pork Recalled in Dioxin Scare

Britain and Ireland warned consumers Sunday not to eat any Irish pork products after tests revealed they may be contaminated with toxic dioxins. The Irish government has ordered a recall of all domestic pork products from shops, restaurants and food …