Articles by Kathleen Ellis

Ellis is a senior vice president of Chubb & Son and manager of Multinational Risk Group - Global Accounts.

New Global Risks Create Need for Expanded Directors & Officers Liability Program

The risk of lawsuits against senior executives has long been a major concern for businesses in the United States. But in the last few years it has become a much more serious global exposure as well. The international legal and …

Outlining the Risks of the Business Traveler

Business travelers say there’s no substitute for being there. Even though budgets are tight and new technology makes it easy for people to connect virtually anywhere, businesses understand that it is crucial for employees to meet with customers face-to-face and …

Insurance Risks of Business Travelers

Business travelers say there’s no substitute for being there. Even though budgets are tight and new technology makes it easy for people to connect virtually anywhere, businesses understand that it is crucial for employees to meet with customers face-to-face and …

The Aftershocks of Vulnerable Supply Chains

The massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March has led to supply chain disruptions around the world, sending a wakeup call to companies that do not have viable business continuity plans in place for themselves and their suppliers. …

The Aftershocks of Vulnerable Supply Chains

The massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March has led to supply chain disruptions around the world, sending a wakeup call to companies that do not have viable business continuity plans in place for themselves and their suppliers. …

Growth of Clean Tech Industry Delivers New Exposures, Opportunities

Backed by government policy and growing public support, demand for technology that is both clean and sustainable has increased substantially in the United States, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world over the last decade. As the market for …

Growth of Clean Tech Industry Delivers New Exposures, Opportunities

Backed by government policy and growing public support, demand for technology that is both clean and sustainable has increased substantially in the United States, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world over the last decade. As the market for …

Firms Vulnerable In Corrupt Practices Crackdown

Authorities have been escalating their campaign against corruption in the last few years, resulting in a sharp spike in enforcement actions in the United States and the enactment of a new anti-bribery law in the United Kingdom. For years, the …

Firms At Risk As Fight Against Corrupt Practices Heats Up

The U.S. and U.K. Crack Down on Bribes While in Russia and China Giving Gifts Remains Common Practice Authorities have been escalating their campaign against corruption in the last few years, resulting in a sharp spike in enforcement actions in …

Talk About the Weather

Floods, Windstorms, Droughts, Heat Waves and Wildfires There was a time in the not-so-distant past when events such as these would have been considered somewhat unusual in Europe. But these days, extreme weather events are becoming a much more common …