Articles by Kathy Barks Hoffman

Michigan House GOP Won’t OK Health Exchange Anytime Soon

Republican lawmakers want more questions answered before they’ll consider giving GOP Gov. Rick Snyder approval to start work on a website for purchasing health insurance required under the federal health care law, Michigan House Speaker Jase Bolger said. The GOP …

Health Care on Agenda When Michigan Lawmakers Return

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and his fellow Republicans could find themselves knee-deep in health care issues soon when lawmakers briefly return after a five-week break. Snyder needs to get reluctant House Republicans on board with his efforts to create an …

Michigan Governor Signs Bill Making Motorcycle Helmets Optional

A decades-long fight to eliminate Michigan’s helmet law roared into the victory lane on April 13, 2012, when Gov. Rick Snyder announced he signed the repeal into law. Senate Bill 291 took effect immediately, making Michigan the 31st state to …

Michigan Governor Signs Bill Making Motorcycle Helmets Optional

A decades-long fight to eliminate Michigan’s helmet law roared into the victory lane on April 13 when Gov. Rick Snyder announced he signed the repeal into law. The repeal took effect immediately, making Michigan the 31st state to give adult …

Michigan Unlikely to Restore Lost Jobs for Decades

State budget director John Nixon likes getting together with fellow budget directors these days because it gives him a chance to brag about Michigan. After a decade of ongoing deficits, “we’re in a position now where we’re not in crisis …

Michigan Governor Signs Unemployment, Workers’ Comp Legislation

Michigan employers are likely to save money on unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation under changes signed into law on Dec. 19 by Gov. Rick Snyder. Critics, though, said the moves could make it more difficult for injured and jobless workers …

Michigan Shields Public Park Volunteers from Lawsuits

Volunteers can help the Michigan Department of Natural Resources with more activities such as improving wildlife habitat, preserving wetlands and grooming trails under a bill Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law. Under the new law, volunteers will be able to …