Articles by Collin Eaton and Kathy Finn

New Orleans Hunkers Down as Tropical Storm Barry Nears Louisiana Coast

Coastal Louisiana felt the first blow from Tropical Storm Barry’s winds early on Friday as the slow-moving tempest was forecast to become the first Atlantic hurricane of 2019 threatening to bring rain and flooding to New Orleans. The storm was …

As Gordon Dumps Heavy Rains in the South, Florence Races Toward Bermuda

Tropical Depression Gordon moved north on Thursday, threatening central U.S. states with heavy rain, while Hurricane Florence churned toward Bermuda, packing maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour (185 kph), forecasters said. Some parts of northwest Mississippi and much …

Update: Weakened Gordon Dumps Heavy Rains; Hurricane Florence Heads Toward Bermuda

Tues., Sept 6, 1:16 am— Tropical Depression Gordon was expected on Thursday to dump more heavy rains that could cause flooding in central U.S. states as Hurricane Florence, a monster Category 3 storm, churned toward Bermuda, the National Hurricane Center …

Update: Tropical Storm Gordon Weakens as It Makes Landfall

Tropical Storm Gordon weakened after making landfall just west of the Alabama-Mississippi border and lashing the U.S. Gulf Coast with high winds and heavy rain early on Wednesday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Gordon is about 20 miles …

No Evacuation for Louisiana Parish in Harvey’s Path

Dick Gremillion has watched Houston officials come under fire for deciding not to order an evacuation ahead of the epic flooding that has left hundreds of people in the country’s fourth-largest city trapped in their homes. But as the Louisiana …

What Risk Managers Expect from Their Insurance Brokers: RIMS

A broker who does not fully understand a client’s business or lacks direct links with insurers may not only fall short in advising on coverage, but can cause headaches on all sides of the insurance relationship, according to an attorney …

Bitcoins: The Next Cyberinsurance Risk?

Consumers around the world are racking up more than 100,000 financial transactions every day without using cash, credit cards or a barter system. How are all those buyers doing it? With Bitcoins, of course. The growing use of the six-year-old …

Cyber, Talent, Data Among Game Changers for Insurers

Protecting clients against growing and poorly understood risks associated with information technology system failures is a leading concern of the insurance industry today, according to a group of prominent underwriters and brokers. Along with cybersecurity, the insurance professionals are focused …

RIMS Report: Preparing for Risk Transfer Driven by Autonomous Vehicles

Picture a work day that begins like this: You step out of your house and into your self-driving vehicle, which carries you comfortably and safely to your office while you read the newspaper. After dropping you off, the car returns …

RIMS Report: Uber Touts Ridesharing Insurance Solution

In the rapid rollout of mobile app-based ridesharing services that compete with traditional taxicabs and other urban transportation, taxi businesses have bristled over the higher insurance costs they must bear compared to what drivers for Uber, Lyft, Sidecar and other …