Articles by Kelsey Johnson and Rod Nickel

Canada Expands Credit Insurance for Canola Exporters as China Dispute Continues

Ottawa increased the insurance coverage available for canola exporters, a government corporation said on Thursday, as it seeks to reduce trade risks amid a dispute with China. China halted purchases of Canadian canola in March, citing pests in shipments by …

How to Develop a Sales and Marketing Plan

Every year a firm should develop a new sales and marketing plan. This is an essential element of strategic planning. Many carriers want to meet with the agency owners to set the game plans for the coming year and it …

Acquisitions and Agency Value

Growth by merger or acquisition is still a popular and valuable tool, despite the economy being on hard times. One of the main reasons it remains popular among agencies is because it is a way to show growth even with …

Why Agency Strategic Planning Is Important

A strategic business plan is very important to assuring the success of a business. Yet only 15 percent of small businesses actually have a plan! It may seem like a daunting task to write out the firm’s strategic business plan …

New Fiscal Cliff Taxes and Insurance Agencies

We are all familiar with the old saying, “the only thing certain in life are death and taxes.” With the new tax laws that came into effect for 2013, we know this is really true now! Capital Gains and Flat …