Articles by Kenneth J. St. Onge

Massachusetts Agents Want Regulator to Rein in Progressive

It’s the second time in the seven months Progressive has been selling personal auto insurance online that the company has become a target of agents’ ire. A trade group for Massachusetts insurance agents has asked the state’s top regulator to …

Mergers Slow as New Agencies Pop Up

Report: Number of Agencies Unchanged Since 2006 A new study by an industry trade group has found that the decade-long contraction in the number of insurance agencies has ceased during the past two years — a move industry insiders say …

Mass. Court: Professional Liability Policy Excludes Document Theft

A document management company that allowed a client’s sensitive documents to be taken is not covered by a professional liability policy with an intellectual property exclusion, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled. The case – which pitted Uniscribe Professional …

Welcome to Encryption Nation

Stop putting passwords on sticky notes, require passwords for desktops and encrypt all backups. For those that haven’t done so already, insurance agents and agencies are going to have to get smart about encryption – especially those in Massachusetts. That’s …

Higher Gas Prices Drive Down Auto Rates, Drive Up Politics Over Regulation in New York

In New York, there exists a curious relationship between gas prices and insurance premiums, at least in government officials’ minds. Gov. David Paterson said his state’s efforts to rein in insurance rates by asking insurers to “consider the impact of …

Shrinking Citizens Signals Progress in Florida Property Market

Florida remains focused on recovery of its property insurance market. But new rules for reinsurers, a national catastrophe plan and the use of occupational rating in insurance are also on the radar of Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty, who discussed …

The Truth About AIG and Pennsylvania’s P/C Markets

As problems began unfolding at American International Group last month, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Joel Ario was tapped to be the vice chairman of a special task force of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to oversee possible sales of the …

Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay Gains $10 Million in OneBeacon Long Island Homeowners Renewals

Rhode Island-based Narragansett Bay Insurance Co. has entered into a renewal rights agreement with Adirondack Insurance Exchange that should bring to the company 4,500 Long Island homeowner’s policies with approximately $10 million in annual premium. The deal bolsters the Ocean …

Renewal Rights Agreement Bolsters Narragansett Bay in New York

Narragansett Bay Insurance Co. has entered into a renewal rights agreement with Adirondack Insurance Exchange that should bring to the company 4,500 Long Island homeowner’s policies with approximately $10 million in annual premium. The deal bolsters the company’s footprint in …

Time for Barry and Shenise

Astute observers of recent political history may recall the story of Harry and Louise — the fictional couple created by a health insurance industry lobbying group in 1994. In political television ads at the time, the couple railed against then-President …