Articles by Kevin Drawbaugh

Regulators Face Senate Panel Over Dodd-Frank Regulations Today

Republicans will escalate their push to delay and defund the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms on Thursday as top regulators appear before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee with a new chairman presiding. Replacing Christopher Dodd, Democrat Tim Johnson will lead his …

Divided Financial Crisis Panel Spreads the Blame

A deeply divided U.S. investigative panel issued a scathing critique of the culture of deregulation championed by Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, saying the government had ample power to avert the financial crisis of 2007-2009 and chose not to …

Congressional Gridlock on Financial Reforms Expected After Elections

If Republicans make big gains in U.S. Congressional elections on Tuesday, as expected, Wall Street and big banks will have sweet, but incomplete, revenge on Democrats who drove through sweeping financial reforms against industry opposition. The likeliest outcome of Democrats …

Global Regulators Call for Curbs on Credit Rating Agencies

Global regulators called on national authorities on Wednesday to curb the role of credit rating agencies in the financial system, challenging the value of an industry widely criticized in recent years. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) issued recommendations calling for …

House Expected to Go Along with 1 Year Flood Insurance Extension

Congress is on track to temporarily extend within days a troubled program that insures millions of U.S. homes and businesses against floods, with another push for a broad overhaul looking likely next year. The Senate on Tuesday approved an extension …

Democrats Garner More Votes in U.S. Senate for Financial Reform Bill

Democrats fought to push their Wall Street reform forward in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, slating more votes despite Republican resistance on a bill that is expected to pass within weeks. The chief negotiators for both parties agreed on Tuesday …

Senate Ends Stalemate Over Financial Reforms; Debate to Begin

A three-day U.S. Senate standoff over efforts to overhaul financial regulation ended on Wednesday as Republicans dropped efforts to block a Democratic bill in exchange for a handful of concessions. A deal to proceed came after Democrats threatened to keep …

House Commitee Advances 5-Year Flood Insurance Extension

A bill to overhaul the troubled U.S. National Flood Insurance Program, which covers more than five million homes and businesses in flood-prone areas, was approved on Tuesday by a congressional committee. The bill, if approved in the full House and …

Financial Reform Bill Stumbles in U.S. Senate

The most sweeping overhaul of U.S. banking rules since the Great Depression stumbled in the Senate Monday as Republicans united to prevent action on the bill. The vote gives Republicans leverage to extract more concessions from Democrats on a measure …

Financial Reform Hits First Hurdle in U.S. Senate

The most sweeping overhaul of U.S. financial regulation since the Great Depression appeared unlikely to clear its first hurdle in the U.S. Senate Monday as Republicans held out for a bipartisan deal. Even as Wall Street reeled from more revelations …