Articles by Kevin Freking

Sen. Kennedy Urges Universal Health Plan, Solicits Recommendations

The federal government should join the state of Massachusetts in enacting universal health coverage, according to Sen. Edward Kennedy, D- Mass., the new chairman of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over numerous health issues. Kennedy’s home state is the first …

Study: Most Believe Health Insurance Problematic

Most Americans think there is something wrong about the state of U.S. health insurance, but they disagree on what to do about it. A study released Tuesday by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that …

Health Insurers Offer $300 Billion Plan for Covering Uninsured

Health insurance companies proposed a national $300 billion plan this week aimed at getting coverage for all uninsured children in three years and for most adults within 10. The plan includes tax breaks for the working poor and increased spending …

State-Exempt Small Group Health Measure Falters In Senate

A bill to give small businesses a cheaper option when providing health insurance stalled in the U.S. Senate last week. Under the proposal endorsed by President Bush, businesses could buy insurance through regional or national trade associations. The insurance would …

Democrats Vow to Block Bill Freeing Health Policies from State Mandates

Senate Democrats pledged this week to fight provisions in Republican-backed legislation that they said would reduce health insurance coverage for millions. The bill would let small businesses join across state lines to buy insurance, which would give them enough clout …

House Advances Liability Protection for Bird Flu Vaccine Makers

Drug manufacturers are a step closer to winning liability protections they say they need before they will invest in medicines to combat a bird flu epidemic. Opponents described the protections, approved Monday by the U.S. House of Representatives, as a …

Lawmakers Negotiate Liability Protections for Flu Vaccine Manufacturers

People injured by a vaccine against bird flu or anthrax would have to prove willful misconduct to bring a claim for damages against drug manufacturers or distributors, according to legislation being drafted by Republicans. A 10-page draft of the legislation …