Articles by Kevin B. O'Reilly

Big ‘I’ Weighs Minority Producer Database

The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America is considering a proposal to compile a nationwide database of minority-owned agencies for carriers looking to expand their presence in urban markets to utilize, the group’s Diversity Task Force Chair Joe Hernandez …

Progressive Weighs Rebranding for Independent Agency Force

Mayfield Village, Ohio-based leading vehicle insurer Progressive Corp. has called its top-selling independent agents to a meeting in Las Vegas this week to unveil what is described by a company spokeswoman as an “overall brand communication strategy” purportedly aimed at …

Surplus Line Carriers

First Responders Once upon a time, the excess and surplus line market was the safety valve of the insurance industry—the more lightly regulated, more financially shaky little brother to the admitted market. It was said to release the pressure on …

Lexington CEO Talks Shop:

Kelley Touts Innovation as Core Competitive Advantage Lexington Insurance Co., the excess and surplus line subisidiary of the American International Group, has been the leader in the domestic E&S market for decades now. The company has leveraged its astounding financial …

Insurance Industry Hopes to Extend TRIA in Time for 2005 Policies

But Not Everyone Thinks Renewing the Federal Backstop is a Good Idea Regardless of whether George W. Bush is re-elected or John Kerry moves into the White House, the property/casualty insurance industry appears to have a good chance of getting …

Quite Clear No Doubt Somehow

During a recent confab at Wells Publishing Inc.’s lovely San Diego headquarters, the Insurance Journal editorial team had a lively discussion regarding the future of this very page. We met in part to discuss the future look of the magazine, …

Insurers Hope to Put Off TRIA’s Sunset

Regardless of whether George W. Bush is re-elected or John Kerry moves into the White House, the property/casualty insurance industry appears to have a good chance of getting its wishes when it comes to extending the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance …

Insurers Hope to Put Off TRIA’s Sunset

Regardless of whether President George W. Bush is re-elected or John Kerry moves into the White House, the property/casualty insurance industry appears to have a good chance of getting its wishes when it comes to extending the federal Terrorism Risk …

Singin’ in the Rain

Recent weeks seem to have brought insurers some silver lining amid dark clouds. Hurricane Charley, originally a Category 2 hurricane, was bumped up to Category 4 right as it hit land. And yet, after all the damage, the Insurance Services …

NCOIL Accepts NAIC Changes to Market Conduct Model

Under heavy pressure from Congress and insurance industry lobbyists to pick up the pace on regulatory modernization, the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) at its summer meeting in Chicago accepted most of the changes to its market conduct surveillance …