Articles by Kevin B. O'Reilly

New Specialty Trades Program Looks to Exploit Market Opportunity

Litigation around the country concerning contractors’ liability for construction defects discovered after operations are completed has made coverage very difficult to come by for specialty trade contractors, but it has created an opportunity for insurers and program administrators looking to …

‘Middle Market’ Not Immune to Directors & Officers Worries

The Enron, Adelphia, Global Crossing and WorldCom corporate governance and fraud scandals of 2001 and 2002 may seem like a distant and terrible memory, but the public received some harsh reminders recently. Former Enron CEO Ken Lay was finally brought …

Crop Insurers, Agents Unhappy With $36 Million Subsidy Cut for 2005

The deadline for crop insurers to agree to the 2005 version of the federal crop insurance program’s standard reinsurance agreement (SRA) came and went June 30. While all the 14 insurers that participated in the program last year have signed …

Summertime Blues

It’s mid-July and Chicagoans are finally getting a taste of actual summer-like weather, with sunny skies, light breezes and temperatures in the mid-80s. But conditions in the insurance industry are not as gentle as the waves of Lake Michigan which …

Crop Insurers, Agents Unhappy With New SRA’s $36 Million Subsidy Cut

The deadline for crop insurers to agree to the 2005 version of the federal crop insurance program’s Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) came and went June 30. And while all the 14 insurers who participated in the program last year have …

NCOIL Task Force Backs TRIA Extension; Market Conduct Model Next on Agenda

CHICAGO―A National Conference of Insurance Legislators’ (NCOIL) task force unanimously approved a resolution to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) “for a sufficient period of time to permit discussion and development of a long-term solution” at the group’s summer …

West Bend Mutual: In With the New, and Hang On to the Old

Thanks to a hard market, a light catastrophic claims load and consistent underwriting, a little mutual based out of West Bend, Wis., was able to surpass the $1 billion asset mark at the end of 2003 for the first time …

Wisconsin Big I Gets Visit From New Insurance Commissioner Gomez

The high point of Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin’s (IIAW) annual convention in May was a lengthy speech from Jorge Gomez, the state’s new insurance commissioner. A February 2003 appointee of Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, Gomez spoke at the convention’s …

‘Mutual’ Respect: SECURA Says Agent Loyalty Can Survive Softer Market

West Bend is far from the only Wisconsin-based regional mutual insurer making a mark. The CEO of Appleton, Wis.-based SECURA Insurance Cos., John Bykowski, took some time recently to talk with IJ during the Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin’s annual …

IMSA Stakes Role as Market Conduct Model

Life insurers have driven the push to federalize insurance regulation in part because of the speed-to-market issue—it takes longer for them to roll out new products, as compared to their competitors who are selling financial products aimed at achieving the …