Articles by Kim Chandler

Medical Marijuana Approved by Alabama Legislature After Years of Resistance

Alabama lawmakers overcame years of resistance and gave final passage to medical marijuana legislation on Thursday, capping a long and emotional debate in which key Republican lawmakers described switching sides in favor of the proposal. The House of Representatives voted …

Alabama Database to Track Police Officer Complaints, Disciplinary Action

Alabama will create a database to track disciplinary actions and excessive force complaints against law enforcement officers, a measure aimed at weeding out “bad apples” in the profession. Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Thursday signed the bill to create a …

Distracted Driving Bill Crashes In Alabama Legislature

The Alabama House of Representatives last week narrowly rejected a proposal to fine people for using a smartphone while driving. The bill by Republican Rep. K.L. Brown of Jacksonville would have prohibited a driver from holding a phone with their …

Alabama House Committee Advances Medical Marijuana Bill

A medical marijuana bill on Wednesday cleared its first major hurdle in the Alabama House of Representatives. The House Judiciary Committee approved the bill after lengthy debate and multiple amendment attempts. The bill now goes to the Health Committee after …

‘Treating Us Like Robots’: Alabama Amazon Workers Seek Union

Linda Burns was excited at first to land a job at the Amazon warehouse outside Birmingham, Alabama. The former nursing assistant had always enjoyed ordering from the company, Now, she would be working for them. A cog in a fast-moving …

Lawmakers Reviewing Alabama Medical Marijuana Legislation Passed by Senate

The Alabama House of Representatives began a lengthy review of medical marijuana legislation on Wednesday, requiring the bill to go through two committees before it can secure a vote by the full House. The Alabama Senate approved the bill by …

Alabama Lawmakers Move Forward with COVID Liability Protections

Alabama lawmakers on Thursday fast-tracked a pair of pandemic bills – one to exempt coronavirus relief payments from state income tax and another to shield businesses, health care providers and others from virus-related lawsuits. Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and GOP …

Alabama Education Association Urges COVID Vaccinations for Teachers After 39 Deaths

The Alabama Education Association is urging the state to give teachers COVID-19 vaccinations following the deaths of at least 39 public school employees from the contagious illness. The group, which represents public education employees, sent a letter Friday to State …

Alabama Transgender Driver’s License Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

Alabama’s policy requiring a transgender person to undergo full gender reassignment surgery before they can change the sex on their driver’s license is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Friday. U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson said Alabama policy’s that people “can …

University of Alabama COVID Cases Top 1K in First 2 Weeks of School

The University of Alabama reported Friday that an additional 481 students have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total to more than 1,000 infections since students returned to campus for the fall. The University of Alabama System released new numbers …