Articles by Kim Dixon

Bermuda Finance Chief Warns Nations of Risk of Overtaxing Business

The world’s wealthiest nations risk harming “the goose that lays the golden egg” if they overtax businesses, Bermuda’s finance minister said on Thursday, adding that her island nation had surpassed other offshore centers in meeting new tax rules. “As a …

Rating Agencies Tell Congress Increased Liability Is Unnecessary

Moody’s Corp. chief executive told lawmakers on Wednesday that his credit rating firm may agree to disclose some of its fees to regulators, but opposes a plan to impose greater liability on the sector. At a hearing to examine a …

Obama to Propose Changes to Taxes on Estates, Punitive Damages

The Obama administration on Monday will propose raising nearly $60 billion over 10 years through changes to the estate tax law and closing certain domestic tax loopholes, an administration official said. Funds raised will go to beef up a health …

AIG’s Ex-CEO Greenberg Scheduled for House Committee Testimony

The chairman of a U.S. House oversight panel said Wednesday he will soon call the chief executive of American International Group Inc. to testify, amid the committee’s ongoing probe of the fall of the insurance giant. Democratic Rep. Edolphus Towns, …

AIG Ex-CEO Greenberg, Congress Spar Over Company Mess

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, former CEO of American International Group Inc. and creator of the AIG unit whose investments triggered the insurance giants’s near collapse, portrayed himself as a victim in testimony before a congressional panel Thursday. Some lawmakers questioned his …

Former AIG Executives Draw Fire from U.S. Lawmakers

Lawmakers criticized American International Group Inc. Tuesday for ignoring financial warnings and for executive compensation deals and lavish spending, including a company gathering at an expensive resort just days after getting an $85 billion rescue loan. Former top executives, who …

AIG Had Early Warning from Government Regulators on Risk, Says House Chairman

U.S. regulators sent a letter to American International Group Inc. in March warning of its lack of transparency and ability to oversee its financial products, a top Democratic lawmaker said Tuesday. Rep. Henry Waxman, who chairs the House Oversight and …

Financial Regulation Reform — But Not Paulson’s — Likely in 2009

Efforts to overhaul U.S. financial regulation are seen gathering pace early next year, as a new Congress and administration seek to safeguard public money put at risk by recent rescue measures. The Federal Reserve’s extension of emergency credit to investment …

Insurers, Tech Firms, Consumers Agree on Electronic Health Record Rules

A major consumer group, insurers together with Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. said Wednesday they have agreed to standards intended to speed adoption of personal electronic health records. The electronic medical record field remains in its infancy. While U.S. privacy …

U.S. Medical Device Makers Fear Rise in State Lawsuits

The U.S. medical device industry’s worst short-term fear may be actor Dennis Quaid. Quaid last month urged Congress to preserve patients’ rights to sue drug and device makers in state courts, after his twin newborns nearly died after accidentally overdosing …