Articles by Krittivas Mukherjee

India’s Nuclear Bill Gives Stiffer Penalties, Higher Insurance Costs

India is rewriting a bill that will allow global firms to access its $150 billion nuclear power market, suggesting stiffer compensation for industrial accidents and extending liability to cover private suppliers. The changes, if approved, would mean higher costs for …

Investors Still Hope for India Fiscal Reform after Mixed Year

To its admirers, India’s ruling coalition has had a good year — sound fiscal policy to stave off a ruinous global credit crisis, fast growth and some tentative steps toward reforms. Those are likely to be stressed by Prime Minister …

World Leaders Try to Save Troubled Climate Talks

World leaders took the stage at the largest ever climate talks on Wednesday as ministers scrambled to rescue troubled negotiations on a pact to avoid dangerous global warming. Police using truncheons and pepper spray detained 230 people outside the conference …

U.N. Copenhagen Climate Change Talks to Resume after African Protest

African nations agreed to resume U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen on Monday after a half-day suspension, accusing rich countries of trying to kill the existing Kyoto Protocol. “We’re going back,” Pa Ousman Jarju from the delegation of Gambia, told Reuters …

China, Other Big Developing Countries Reject Copenhagen Climate Plan

China and other big developing nations rejected core targets for a climate deal such as halving world greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 just five days before talks start in Copenhagen, diplomats said Wednesday. China, the world’s top emitter, together with …

Danish Climate Change Treaty Draft Urges 50% Emissions Cut by 2050

The world should cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2050 from 1990 levels with the bulk of the reduction coming from rich countries, according to a draft proposal by Denmark, host of Dec 7-18 U.N. climate talks. The …

Climate Talks May Go to Last Minute

The world may have to wait until the dying seconds of a U.N. climate summit in December for a global deal to channel business dollars into low-carbon energy, industry and analysts said on Wednesday. Senior executives warned progress so far …

UN Secretary-General Says Domestic Politics Undermine Climate Fight

A climate deal at Copenhagen may not be possible unless politicians take tough decisions without worrying about winning elections and compulsions of their domestic politics, the U.N. Secretary-General said on Thursday. Ban Ki-moon said the situation had been compounded by …