Articles by Laird Rixford

Rixford is the CEO at Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a marketing, rating and management software and services provider to the insurance industry. You can reach him on Twitter at @lrixford or email:

Digital Agents Have the Advantage When It Comes to Informed Insurance Consumers

Consider this. A couple decides to buy a home and uses online resources throughout the process. They visit to look at available properties. Next, they go to their bank’s website for a mortgage application and find out instantly that …

The Year After Google Compare

Google’s entry into insurance lead generation and aggregation worried agents and carriers. Would Google disrupt the industry as they have so many other industries? Would they short circuit research-driven consumers by dominating the top results? The Google Compare concern was …

Technology’s Full Potential

Technology has transformed how we operate in almost every facet of our life. It has changed the face of business for every industry. Insurance is no different. Yet, as I look within our industry I see a problem. I see …

Just My Analytical Opinion

How risky is that driver with that car? What are the odds a house will flood while a house one street over will not? How do all these variables come into play when setting a rate? What price will allow …

The Upcoming Windows XP Apocalypse

The end of the world is coming. The world of Windows XP that is. A significant event is happening in the technology industry that will affect insurance agents. On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP. Yes, …