Articles by Lara Jakes Jordan

FBI data mining targets include insurance fraud suspects

The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help search for potential terrorists, insurance cheats and crooked pharmacists, according to a government report. Records about identity thefts, real estate transactions, motor vehicle accidents and complaints about Internet drug …

FBI Data Mining Targets Include Insurance Fraud Suspects

The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help search for potential terrorists, insurance cheats and crooked pharmacists, according to a government report. Records about identity thefts, real estate transactions, motor vehicle accidents and complaints about Internet drug …

Justice Department Pressured to Ease Corporate Scandal Tactics

The Justice Department this week agreed to ease its tough legal tactics against scandal-tainted corporations, requiring prosecutors to get approval from Washington before seeking confidential information between firms and their lawyers. Moreover, under the new policy the government no longer …

Officials: Next Terrorist Attack on U.S Not Matter of If, But When

The threat of terrorism against the United States remains chillingly lethal five years after 9/11, and officials predict another massive attack is not a matter of if โ€” but when. Despite a government overhaul and more than $250 billion (euro196.65 …

Senate OKs Paulison as FEMA Chief as Senator Wins Flood Claims Appeal Vow

The U.S. Senate confirmed R. David Paulison as FEMA’s chief last Friday, hours after a senator ended his stall on the nomination over problems with the agency’s flood insurance program. Paulison’s confirmation was part of an unanimous consent agreement as …