Articles by Laura Millan, Coco Liu and Zainab Fattah

Dubai Floods Expose Weaknesses to a Rapidly Changing Climate

The heavy rains that flooded Dubai last week halted air traffic, damaged buildings and streets — and left climate experts and common citizens asking whether one of the world’s hottest and driest cities should be better prepared for extreme storms. …

Climate Change to Cause $38 Trillion a Year in Damages by 2049

Climate change will inflict losses to the global economy worth an annual $38 trillion by 2049, as extreme weather ravages agricultural yields, harms labor productivity and destroys infrastructure, according to researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). …

Climate Change Speeds Up as Major Indicators Blow Off the Charts, WMO Warns

All the major indicators of climate change smashed historic records last year, with some rising so steeply that the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization warned they were “off the charts.” The lives of millions of people were upended by natural …

UK Is Far From Climate Proof Due to Poor Planning, Officials Say

The UK has failed to prioritize climate adaptation to risks such as floods and heat waves, putting British citizens and critical infrastructure in danger, an official assessment has found. A national adaptation plan, published last July, “falls far short of …

Top European Leaders Test Positive for Cancerous ‘Forever Chemicals’

Chemicals linked to severe health issues including cancer, infertility, birth defects and immune system disruptions are everywhere and no one is safe from them — not even top politicians, according to a campaign advocating for a European Union-wide ban. Former …

Plastic Pellet Spill Unleashes Cleanup Nightmare on Spain’s Coast

Tiny white plastic pellets are washing ashore in Spain’s northwestern coast by the millions, with hundreds of volunteers leading the clean up as authorities struggle to coordinate and companies decline any responsibility. A tanker ship lost six containers off the …

Climate Change Made Deadly Floods in Libya and Greece More Extreme

The low-pressure weather system that unleashed unprecedented amounts of rain across the eastern Mediterranean last week was made more likely and more intense by climate change. Global warming caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases made the heavy rainfall over …

Climate Change Sends Most Indicators of Earth’s Health Into Danger Zone: Study

From dangerously warm temperatures to vast species extinctions, humans are living on a planet that is becoming inhospitable — with only three key health markers considered safe, according to a new scientific study. Researchers have run a full fitness examination …

World Sees Hottest June on Record as North Atlantic Temperatures Rise

Last month was the warmest June of the past three decades globally, with several places in western Europe hitting all-time records for the month, according to a report by Europe’s earth observation agency Copernicus. Ocean temperatures also rose to their …

Most Nations Aiming for Net-Zero Fail to Meet Targets, Study Shows

A new scientific assessment of government commitments to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions found most lack credibility and would put the world on track to experience catastrophic global warming by the end of this century. About 90% of net-zero plans by …