Articles by Laura Millan

Hottest Ever April Recorded in Spain, Portugal as Heat Wave Hits Europe

Spain and Portugal recorded their hottest April on record as a mass of hot air brought temperatures above 30C and close to 40C in some areas at the end of the month. Last month was the fourth-hottest month of April …

Climate Disaster in Amazon Rainforest Could Cascade Across Earth, Study Finds

Trees set ablaze in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest could contribute to melting glaciers in the Himalayas and Antarctica because distant ecosystems that regulate the Earth’s climate are more closely connected than previously thought. Scientists have discovered a new atmospheric pathway that …

Earth Is on Track to Warm Above 2C, Even With Climate Action: UN Report

Government plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions aren’t enough to avoid catastrophic global warming, with the planet on track to heat up between 2.1 and 2.9 degrees Celsius by the end of the century compared to pre-industrial times, according to …

Weird Rainfall Patterns in Europe Blamed on Climate Change

Emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases caused by human activities are directly responsible for long-term dry conditions in the Mediterranean basin and the increasing rainfall over the rest of Europe during winter, according to a study by the UK’s Met Office. …

Climate Change Exacerbated Germany’s Deadly Floods: Report

The heavy rains and floods that killed at least 220 people in Belgium and Germany this summer were made more likely and more intense by climate change. These are the conclusions of a rapid attribution report put together in just …

Firefighters Struggle to Control Blazes Fueled by Heatwaves in France and Spain

Firefighters are struggling to control blazes in France’s Gulf of Saint Tropez and in the Spanish province of Avila, another manifestation of dangerous global warming that’s already caused a long list of extreme weather events this summer. A wildfire burned …

Record High Temperatures Hit Nordic Region, Arctic Circle, Adding to Wildfire Dangers

Record-high temperatures from Canada to Scandinavia and intense wildfires flaring up from California to Russia’s Far East are adding to extreme weather events recorded at the start of the summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Temperatures in several towns in the …

Contaminants from Sri Lanka Ship Wreck Could Cause Wide-Reaching Damage

Contaminants released from the wreckage of a container ship off the coast of Sri Lanka could be dragged thousands of kilometers by ocean currents, impacting wildlife and humans in far-reaching latitudes. Authorities and salvage crews are now working to prevent …

Climate Litigation Cases Booming After Paris Agreement – Often Led by Young Activists

Whatsapp chat rooms and Telegram channels across Germany lit up in the early hours of April 29. Young people frantically exchanged messages in a tone that went from disbelief to surprise to euphoria. The country’s highest court had just ruled …

Global Temperatures in April Matched Warmest on Record: European Climate Group

Temperatures in April were on par with the previous warmest April on record four years ago, with extremely high temperatures in some parts of Europe, Greenland and Antarctica. Above-average global temperatures meant April was just 0.01 degrees Celsius cooler than …