Articles by Laurel Calkins

Judges Frustrated with Failure of Congress to Settle Obamacare Issues

The U.S. appeals court judges tasked with deciding the fate of the hot potato known as Obamacare had some choice words Tuesday for Congress and the Trump administration. “Why does Congress want the judiciary to be a taxidermist for every …

Affordable Care Act’s Fate Could Rest with Appellate Court’s View on Technical Matters

The fate of Obamacare, the law that President Donald Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing, could hinge on several technical points of law as a federal appeals court prepares to decide whether it’s unconstitutional. And the appeal of whatever the …

CEO Tells Jury GM Failed to Diagnose Ignition Switch as Safety Defect

General Motors Co. failed to designate a flawed ignition switch linked to multiple deaths and injuries as a safety concern, Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra told jurors at a Texas trial. GM engineers in 2004 and 2005 “misdiagnosed it as …

Court Rules BP Not Covered by Transocean’s $750M Insurance

BP Plc isn’t covered under Transocean Ltd.’s insurance policies for the undersea well blowout that caused the 2010 Gulf of Mexico disaster, the Texas Supreme Court said, blocking the oil company’s access to $750 million for spill costs. The decision …

Halliburton Agrees to $1.1 Billion Gulf Oil Claims Settlement

Halliburton Co. agreed to pay $1.1 billion to settle a majority of lawsuits brought over its role in the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history. The agreement is subject to court approval and includes legal fees, the Houston-based company …

BP Says Rejection of Oil Spill Claims Appeals Could Scuttle Settlement

The settlement BP Plc reached last year with most private parties over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could be scuttled if a U.S. appeals court doesn’t throw out the interpretation of payments being used by the claims administrator, …