Articles by Lawrence Messina

West Virginia Lawmakers Tackle Vacant Buildings, Insurance Liens

State lawmakers appear ready to increase the independence of West Virginia’s local governments, and they aren’t waiting on results from an ongoing experiment on the subject. The Senate is expected to take up a pair of House-passed bills this week …

West Virginia Public Insurance Agency Faces Suit Over Subsidy Cut

Recent hearings may not keep West Virginia’s Public Employees Insurance Agency out of court over a proposal to stop subsidizing retiree health care, one advocate for state workers says. The American Federation of Teachers-West Virginia still plans to sue, President …

Gov. Manchin Names Commission to Study West Virginia Judiciary

Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor will serve as honorary chair of a new study of West Virginia’s judiciary commissioned by Gov. Joe Manchin, the governor announced. Manchin named O’Connor along with the nine voting members of his …

How Might Supreme Court Recusal Ruling Affect West Virginia Judiciary?

This week’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that faults state Justice Brent Benjamin for not recusing himself from a case involving a generous campaign supporter may aid a pending review of West Virginia’s court system, but legal experts differ on its …

Medical Device Maker to Settle Suits Against West Virginia Doctor

A medical device maker has told shareholders it is settling out of lawsuits against Dr. John King, the one-time West Virginia osteopath at the center of scores of malpractice claims. Biomet Inc. has reached agreements with 24 of 27 plaintiffs …

West Virginia Judiciary Nixes Switching to Nonpartisan Elections

A group representing West Virginia’s judiciary has decided not to endorse a proposal to end the election of state judges along partisan lines. The West Virginia Judiciary Association adopted a resolution this week that supports the state’s current method of …

West Virginia Mulls Switch to ‘Nonpartisan’ Judge Elections

West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin may ask the Legislature next year to end West Virginia’s practice of electing its judiciary along partisan political lines, at least for the state’s circuit court judges. Manchin has approached the state’s Judicial Association seeking …

West Virginia Eyes Suing Wall St. Firms over State Losses

West Virginia is considering suing investment firms at the center of the national financial crisis to recoup millions of dollars in losses to its multibillion-dollar portfolio. Gov. Joe Manchin asked his staff to research possible legal action following a briefing …

West Virginia Supreme Court Hears DuPont’s Pitch for Appeal

In a case that’s caught the eye of Gov. Joe Manchin, West Virginia’s Supreme Court is being asked to accept an appeal of a nearly $400 million judgment against chemical giant DuPont. A Harrison County jury found that DuPont spent …

Elevator Safety Rules Subject of Fight in W. Va. Senate Committee

Elevator safety and licensing rules recommended by a recent legislative audit and passed by the West Virginia House disguise a bid by the industry’s union to preserve and enhance its share of the market, the bill’s leading opponent contends. Oracle …