Articles by Lesley Wroughton

U.S. Urges Ships to Keep Tracking Devices Turned on for Safety, Transparency

The United States wants all ships to keep their tracking transponders on to cut down on illicit activity and smuggling, and to increase transparency with movements of ships around the world, a senior State Department official told Reuters. Automatic identification …

Trump Administration Allows Lawsuits Against Some Businesses in Cuba

The Trump administration said on Monday it would allow lawsuits by U.S. citizens against dozens of Cuban companies and other entities on Washington’s blacklist but will maintain, for now, a ban against suing foreign firms doing business on the communist-ruled …

Global Finance Chiefs to Warn of Economic Risks, Call for Aid for Poor

Finance and development ministers from around the world this week will warn of considerable downside risks to the global economy, and call for an effort to protect the world’s poor, according to the draft of a communique they plan to …

BRICS to Endorse Plans for Reserves Pool, Development Bank

Leaders of the world’s major emerging economies are likely to endorse plans at a summit next week to create a joint foreign exchange reserves pool and an infrastructure bank, senior emerging market officials said on Thursday. Leaders from Brazil, Russia, …

Cyprus Bank Deposit Tax Sets ‘Dangerous Precedent,’ Says IIF Head

A proposal to impose a tax on bank deposits in Cyprus sets an “incredibly dangerous precedent” and undermines confidence built up in recent months over Europe’s handling of its debt crisis, the head of a global banking association said on …

G20 Wrangles over Currencies, Borrowing, Deficits at Moscow Talks

The Group of 20 major economies struggled on Friday to find common ground on currencies and borrowing, exposing rifts between advocates of a dash for growth and supporters of more austerity to revive the world economy. A meeting in Moscow …

IMF Urges Permanent Fix to U.S. ‘Fiscal Cliff’

The International Monetary Fund on Thursday urged the United States to quickly reach an agreement on a permanent fix to avoid automatic tax hikes and spending cuts early next year, saying a stop-gap solution could be harmful to the global …

Insurance is Key as Investment Frontiers Open, Says World Bank Exec

Political risk insurance against conflict or breach of contract has become a key factor for investors seeking higher returns in developing markets in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Indeed, the euro zone economic crisis and low returns in other …

World Bank Head Warns No Region Immune to Europe Debt Crisis

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on Wednesday warned that most regions of the world will be hurt by the debt crisis enveloping the euro zone and said it was vital to protect the strong economic gains of the past …

IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Emerging Economies Slow

The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth and warned that the outlook could dim further if policymakers in the euro zone do not act with enough force and speed to quell their region’s debt crisis. …