Articles by L.S. Howard

Insurance Journal’s Top 10 Most Read Stories of 2020: International

The top international news story of 2020 was the announcement in March of Aon’s proposed merger with Willis Towers Watson. The subject was of such interest to international readers that four of the 15 most-read articles involved the Aon-WTW merger. …

Update: Aon Confirms EU Antitrust Probe of Merger with Willis Towers Watson

Aon plc confirmed that the European Commission (EC) has initiated a review of the company’s proposed $30 billion bid for Willis Towers Watson. Aon said the Phase II review is a common next step “for a transaction of this size …

New Capital Entering Market Unlikely to Quickly Soften Rates: Vantage Risk CEO

Greg Hendrick, CEO and co-founder of the new reinsurance and insurance company Vantage Risk, isn’t too concerned about the new capital that has been pouring into the market this year, and its potential to drive down rates — at least …

Climate Change Poses Much Greater Existential Risk for the World Than COVID-19

Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change ultimately will be managed by “bending the curve” of temperature rises and greenhouse gas emissions, according to Rowan Douglas, Head of Climate and Resilience Hub at Willis Towers Watson. But that’s where the …

Lloyd’s Moves to End Insurance and Investments in Coal for Climate Sustainability

The Lloyd’s market is moving to end its insurance of coal and oil sands businesses while at the same time ceasing investments in such carbon-producing assets by Jan. 1, 2022. As part of its plan to accelerate the transition to …

New Capital Entering Market Unlikely to Quickly Soften Rates: Vantage Risk CEO

Greg Hendrick, the CEO and co-founder of the new reinsurance and insurance company Vantage Risk isn’t too concerned about the new capital that has been pouring into the market this year, and its potential to drive down rates – at …

Global Reinsurance Sector Receives ‘Stable’ Market Outlook as Rates Keep Hardening

The outlook of the global reinsurance sector is “stable,” which is mainly a reflection of hardening pricing conditions and tighter terms and conditions, according to AM Best and Fitch Ratings in two reports. AM Best said the market has seen …

Pace of Broker Acquisitions Picks Up in 2nd Half, After COVID-Linked Lull in Q2

Insurance brokers have stepped up their acquisition pace in the second half of 2020 after a pause in the second quarter related to the coronavirus and the steep economic decline, according to a report published by Moody’s Investors Service. Indeed, …

Arch Capital to Buy Watford for $700M in Cash, with Support from Former Rival Enstar

Arch Capital Group Ltd. and Watford Holdings Ltd. announced a revised definitive agreement under which Arch will acquire all of the common shares of Watford for $35.00 per share, in an all-cash offer valued at approximately $700 million. The deal …

It Would Take P/C Insurers 150 Years to Pay COVID-19 Business Interruption Losses

The world’s property/casualty insurers would have to collect business interruption insurance premiums for 150 years in order to absorb the estimated US$4.5 trillion global output loss inflicted by COVID-19 and its handling in 2020. P/C insurers currently collect US$1.6 trillion …