Articles by Ly Short

Ly is the social media manager for Wells Media who fell into the job and hasn't gotten up since. When her mouth isn't full of food or nose in her phone, you can find her chasing her little dictators around San Diego and beyond.

Twitter Basics: Get Your Tweet On

Ready to take the Twitter plunge? Or maybe you already have, but you’d just like to understand it a little better. In either case, Wells Media’s social media manager, Ly (‘Lee’) Short has put together a course to help you …

Infographic: Four Marketing Things You Need to Do in 2014

A Millennial Without a Smartphone

For almost 3 weeks, I was without an iPhone. And I survived! My iPhone had such an excellent time vacationing in Mexico that it decided to stay there. Without insurance or upgrade eligibility, my options were slim. It was a …

Podcast: March Madness of Insurance Mascots Goes Viral

We had a blast creating and running the March Madness of Insurance Mascots game. We didn’t expect it to go viral (who does?) so it was incredibly exciting to watch and experience when it did. If you didn’t catch it …

Secrets of EdgeRank: How to Expand Your Facebook Reach

EdgeRank /ej-rangk/ noun 1. The reason why only 5% of your fans see your posts in their Facebook newsfeed. Disclaimer: I made that up. Have you noticed your reach to fans has dwindled? It’s because of EdgeRank. In short, it’s …

So Many Social Media Sites, So Little Time

Congratulations. You’ve set up your company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts. Now you just have to log into each one, post updates, start discussions, tweet, read comments, check analytics to see how effective they are, and work. Oh right – …

Seriously? Another Social Media Site?!

We all know social media sites can drive traffic to your site and help you climb the SEO ladder (check out Honey’s blog post about SEO). And I’m sure your business is already on a few of them. Facebook, Twitter …