Articles by Luke Baker and Deepa Babington

Europe Drawn Back to its First Problem – Greece

The euro zone debt crisis was born in Greece. Nearly three years and two bailouts on Europe must decide whether to give the country yet more help or cut it loose. For all its complexities, Greece’s problems essentially come down …

Markets Cheer Euro Deal But Questions Remain

The euro and stocks rallied on Thursday after European leaders struck a deal to provide debt relief for Greece, but analysts warned the plan would fail to halt the euro zone’s two-year-old debt crisis unless crucial details were resolved soon. …

Germany Rebuffs France on Euro Zone Solution; Insurance for Bonds an Option

France’s push to use more European Central Bank money to fight the euro zone debt crisis ran into strong resistance from Germany and other EU partners on Friday, leaving Paris increasingly isolated before a crucial summit. The rift between Europe’s …

Europe Considers Greek Default Possible; Leaders to Meet

European Union leaders are poised to hold an emergency summit after finance ministers acknowledged for the first time that some form of Greek default may be needed to cut Athens’ debts and stop contagion to Italy and Spain. “There will …

European Union Faces Both a Debt and a Communication Crisis

The European Union has deployed billions of euros and endless words to try to contain its sovereign debt crisis this year, but poor communication and bad timing have left financial markets unconvinced. The communications problems haven’t caused the crisis — …

EU, US to Hold November Summit in Portugal; Insurance on Agenda

The European Union and United States will hold a summit in Portugal in November, the EU and the White House said on Tuesday, offering an opportunity to rebuild ties strained by the cancellation of their last meeting. The summit will …

EU Toughens Sanctions on Iran; Talks Sought; Insurance Cut-Off Weighs

Iran said on Monday it was ready to return to talks on a nuclear fuel swap, a surprise that came shortly after the European Union agreed tougher sanctions, including a block on oil and gas investment. EU foreign ministers approved …