Articles by Malcolm Foster and Kentaro Hamada

Japan Data-Tampering Scandals Show Dangers of ‘Sacrificing Quality’ to Save Costs

A string of data-tampering scandals at Japanese manufacturers has not tarnished Japan’s image, though it has been a powerful reminder to avoid sacrificing quality when under cost or delivery pressure, a senior economic official said on Wednesday [Dec. 27]. Since …

Highway Ceiling Collapse in Japan Kills 9

Concrete ceiling slabs fell onto moving vehicles deep inside a long Japanese highway tunnel, and authorities confirmed nine deaths before suspending rescue work Monday while the roof was being reinforced to prevent more collapses. Two vehicles caught fire in the …

Powerful Typhoon Bolaven Nears Japan’s Okinawa Island

The strongest typhoon to approach Okinawa in several years was bearing down on the southern Japanese island on Sunday as residents were told to stay indoors and warned its strong gusts could overturn cars and cause waves of up to …

Japan Marks One Year Since Earthquake – Tsunami Disaster

People across Japan prayed and stood in silence on Sunday to remember the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the nation one year ago, killing just over 19,000 people and unleashing the world’s worst nuclear crisis in a quarter century. …

Ships Tossed Ashore by Japan Tsunami Rescued

More than a dozen ships heaved inland by Japan’s tsunami in March sit with red bellies and propellers exposed among the demolished houses of this once-bustling fishing town, a jarring daily reminder of the ocean’s awesome power. The enormous task …