Articles by Marcy Gordon

FTC Accuses Data Broker of Selling Sensitive Location Data

Federal regulators have sued a data broker they accuse of selling sensitive geolocation data from millions of mobile devices, information that can be used to identify people and track their movements to and from sensitive locations, including reproductive health clinics, …

Facebook Whistleblower Tells Congress ‘Time Is of Essence’ in Social Media Law Reform

Ex-Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen implored lawmakers Wednesday to avert the usual congressional stalemates as they weigh proposals to curb abuses on social media platforms by limiting the companies’ free-speech protections against legal liability. Still, Haugen urged caution in …

Searching for Realistic Ideas That Could Help Tame Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention …

Manufacturers Balk at ‘Right to Repair’ Initiative by Biden Administration

Americans would be freer to repair their broken cellphones, computers, videogame consoles and even tractors themselves, or to use independent repair shops, under changes being eyed by federal regulators. The regulators maintain that restrictions have steered consumers into manufacturers’ and …

FBI Says Don’t Pay Ransom While Tax Advisors Say Payment May Be Tax Deductible

WASHINGTON — As ransomware attacks surge, the FBI is doubling down on its guidance to affected businesses: Don’t pay the cybercriminals. But the U.S. government also offers a little-noticed incentive for those who do pay: The ransoms may be tax …

Critics Hit SEC Revamp of Wall Street Whistleblower Program

A federal agency is moving with little fanfare to revamp one of the most successful whistleblower programs in the government, alarming advocates who warn the changes will set back efforts to police Wall Street and punish corporate fraud. Much like …

Senators Eye Making Tech Giants Reveal How Much Customers’ Data Is Worth

As Congress bears down on big tech companies, two senators want to force giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon to tell users what data they’re collecting from them and how much it’s worth. The legislation floated this week by Sens. …

A U.S. Privacy Law Could Be Good for Google, but Bad for You

U.S. Congress is taking the first steps toward setting national rules governing how companies use consumers data – although one of its goals might be to prevent states from enacting stronger privacy protections of their own. The approach being pondered …

Health Insurer CEOs Defend Big Mergers Before Senate

Leaders of two major health insurers planning multibillion dollar acquisitions made their case to Congress this week that bigger can mean better in their industry, but concerns are being raised in Washington about how these deals will affect consumers and …

FDIC Outlines Strategy For When Big Financial Firms Fail

The next time a big bank or financial firm fails, regulators hope to avoid a major blow to the economy by seizing the firm’s parent company while allowing its healthy subsidiaries to continue operations, the head of the Federal Deposit …