Articles by Charles Gorrivan, Margi Murphy and Brody Ford

Hackers Demand as Much as $5 Million From Snowflake Clients

Cybercriminals are demanding payments of between $300,000 and $5 million apiece from as many as 10 companies breached in a campaign that targeted Snowflake Inc. customers, according to a security firm helping with the investigation. The hacking scheme has entered …

Creators of Biden Audio Deepfake Face Potential Charges

An AI-generated cloned audio message of President Joe Biden that attempted to dissuade registered Democrats from voting in the New Hampshire primary election was traced to a Texas company and its owner. Attorney General John Formella said on Tuesday the …

Microsoft Warns Other Firms of Russian-Sponsored Group in Email Hacking

Microsoft Corp. said an account that was compromised by Russia-linked hackers, resulting in a hack of some company emails including senior leaders, didn’t have multifactor authentication enabled. The hackers “tailored their password spray attacks to a limited number of accounts, …

UK at High Risk of ‘Catastrophic’ Cyberattack Affecting Critical Infrastructure: Report

The UK is at high risk of a “catastrophic” ransomware attack that could bring critical national infrastructure to a standstill and cost the country tens of billions of pounds, according to a parliamentary report. Departments responsible for national infrastructure across …

Microsoft Offers to Help Politicians Crack Down on Deepfakes

Microsoft Corp. is offering US politicians and campaign groups a tool aimed at helping fight the rise of deepfakes ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The new tool will allow parties to authenticate their videos and photos with so-called watermark …

MGM Hackers Waited for Days Before Issuing Their Ransom Demands

MGM Resorts International Chief Executive Officer Bill Hornbuckle chose not pay a ransom to hackers who broke into his casino chain’s computer system because they didn’t ask for money until well after the company discovered the attack. The intruders moved …

Hacker Puts 23andMe User Data Up for Sale on the Internet

An anonymous hacker is claiming to be selling “millions” of genetic profiles cobbled together from hijacked 23andMe customer accounts. The seller suggested the profiles, which include email addresses, photos, gender, date of birth and DNA ancestry, could be used to …

Bermuda Public Services Remain Disrupted After Cyber Attack

Bermuda is working to restore public services that were halted after last week’s “sophisticated and deliberate” cyberattack on its government systems, the island’s premier, E. David Burt, said on Monday. Authorities are investigating who is behind the attack, and the …

Group in Casino Hacks Skilled at Duping Workers for Access

The hacking group suspected of cyberattacks against two giant casino operators has quickly made a name for itself for its skills in social engineering, such as tricking someone to gain access to a computer system or another storehouse of sensitive …

Clorox Takes Down Some IT Systems After ‘Unauthorized Activity’

Clorox Co. has taken some of its information technology systems offline after identifying “unauthorized activity” in its computer networks that has disrupted some business operations. The incident is expected to continue to affect some parts of the business operations, the …