Articles by Geoff Mulvihill and Mark Sherman

SCOTUS to Hear Purdue Pharma Settlement Plan That’s Dividing Opioid Victims

The agreement by the maker of OxyContin to settle thousands of lawsuits over the harm done by opioids could help combat the overdose epidemic that the painkiller helped spark. But that does not mean all the victims are satisfied. In …

Another Test Case for the Supreme Court: Who Can Sue Hotels Over Disability Access

A few years back, Joseph Stramondo was a last-minute replacement as a conference speaker in Salt Lake City. He went online and made a reservation for a room accessible for people with disabilities. “I figured, ‘OK, I should be set,’” …

High Court Takes 8 New Cases, 1 About a Religious Mailman

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider what employers must do to accommodate religious employees, among eight new cases it added. The cases are expected to be argued in April. In one involving a former postal employee, the justices …

Supreme Court Cast Doubt on Texas Immunity Claim in Vet’s Suit

The Supreme Court on Tuesday cast doubt on Texas’ claim that it can’t be sued by a former state trooper who says he was forced out of his job when he returned from Army service in Iraq. The justices heard …

Supreme Court Conservatives Question OSHA Business Vaccine Rule

Fully vaccinated and mostly masked, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared skeptical Friday of the Biden administration’s authority to impose a vaccine-or-testing requirement on the nation’s large employers. The court seemed more open to a separate vaccine mandate for most …

Supreme Court Could Add Harvard Case on Race in College Admissions to Agenda

With abortion and guns already on the agenda, the conservative-dominated Supreme Court is considering adding a third blockbuster issue — whether to ban consideration of race in college admissions. The justices could say as soon as Monday whether they will …

U.S. Supreme: Accident Victims Can Sue Ford in Minnesota, Montana State Courts

The Supreme Court has ruled that Michigan-based Ford Motor Co. can be sued in the state courts of people who were killed or seriously injured in accidents involving Ford vehicles. The justices unanimously rejected the company’s argument that its ties …

Liability Waivers Not Always Effective But Employers Take ‘Better Safe Than Sorry’ View

As businesses reopen across the U.S. after coronavirus shutdowns, many are requiring customers and workers to sign forms saying they won’t sue if they catch COVID-19. Businesses fear they could be the target of litigation even if they adhere to …

Supreme Court Rejects Trump Administration’s View of Clean Water Act

The Supreme Court ruled last week that sewage plants and other industries cannot avoid environmental requirements under landmark clean-water protections when they send dirty water on an indirect route to rivers, oceans and other navigable waterways. Rejecting the Trump administration’s …

Beyond Wedding Cakes: LGBT Lawsuits Challenge Employee, Business, Religious Rights

A flood of lawsuits over LGBT rights is making its way through courts and will continue, no matter the outcome in the Supreme Court’s highly anticipated decision in the case of a Colorado baker who would not create a wedding …