Articles by Mark Sherman

Austrian Insurance Swindler Seeks Release from U.S. Prison

It’s easy to see why insurance swindler Sholam Weiss was not entirely satisfied with a judge’s decision to cut 10 years from his prison term. Even after the reduction, Weiss still had 835 years to serve for his role in …

U.S. High Court Weighs Foreign Investors Suing in U.S. Courts

The Supreme Court indicated this week it could prohibit foreign investors from using U.S. securities law and American courts to sue a foreign bank for fraud. The court heard argument in a challenge from Australian investors who want to sue …

Supreme Court Notebook: Judges as Umpires of Lawyers’ Compensation

Chief Justice John Roberts once famously and controversially described a judge’s role as akin to an umpire who merely calls balls and strikes. This past Wednesday, Roberts offered a new take on that argument in a Supreme Court case about …

Suits Against Bush Officials Challenge Personal Immunity from Rights Claims

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft and one of his hardline lieutenants face the rare prospect of being held personally liable for alleged violations of individuals’ rights in the aggressive aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks. High-ranking officials usually are protected …

Supreme Court Weighs When Elected Judges Should Step Aside

Concerned about dwindling confidence in the impartiality of judges, the Supreme Court leaned this toward forcing elected judges to step aside from cases that would raise an appearance of bias if they took part. “Our whole system is designed to …

Employers Accused of Using Federal ERISA Law to Deny Benefits

Dying of cancer, Thomas Amschwand did everything he was told to make sure his wife would collect on the life insurance policy he had through his employer. “He was obsessed with dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’,” Texas native …

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear 5 Age Bias Cases This Term

There is only one anti-bias law — the one against discrimination based on age — that would cover all nine U.S. Supreme Court justices, if such laws applied to them. The justices, ranging in age from 53 to 87, are …

Supreme Court to Decide on Exxon Valdez Punitive Damages

The Supreme Court this week agreed to decide whether Exxon Mobil Corp. should pay $2.5 billion in punitive damages in connection with the huge Exxon Valdez oil spill that fouled more than 1,200 miles of Alaskan coastline in 1989. The …

Supreme Court Rejects W.R. Grace Asbestos Clean-Up Appeal

W.R. Grace & Co. lost its bid to the Supreme Court Tuesday to get out from under a $54 million bill to clean up asbestos in the Montana mining town of Libby. Justices rejected without comment Columbia, Md.-based Grace’s appeal …

Marketing Fraud Scheme Results in 560 Arrests; $1B in Losses

More than 560 people have been arrested in an international investigation of mass-marketing fraud schemes that have victimized more than 2.8 million people in the United States, the Justice Department said Tuesday. Losses exceeded $1 billion in scams that included …