Articles by Mark Wells

Plaintiff’s Bar Tracking Mold

Depending on whom you talk to, mold is either the end of the insurance industry or just a lot of media hype. This issue focuses on the homeowners market and it’s current mold dilemma with three features. “Mold: California’s Ticking …

Plaintiff’s Bar Tracking Mold

Depending on whom you talk to, mold is either the end of the insurance industry or just a lot of media hype. This issue focuses on the homeowners market and it’s current mold dilemma with three features. “Mold: California’s Ticking …

Good News/Bad News Story

Well, the hard market has arrived in all its glory. Everyone is ecstatic because they will make a lot of money. That’s the good news. The bad news is your clients are mad at you, the carriers and everyone else …

Good News/Bad News Story

Well, the hard market has arrived in all its glory. Everyone is ecstatic because they will make a lot of money. That’s the good news. The bad news is your clients are mad at you, the carriers and everyone else …