Articles by Martha Raffaele

Pennsylvania Hospitals, Docs Sue over Malpractice Fund

Pennsylvania hospitals and doctors are suing the state to obtain hundreds of millions in unspent dollars they say should be devoted to a state fund that helps doctors pay for medical malpractice insurance. Industry associations representing both groups said the …

Parties Clash Over Proposed Merger of Pennsylvania Health Insurers

State lawmakers, doctors and health care industry executives clashed last week over whether the proposed merger of Pennsylvania’s two largest health insurers will benefit or hurt consumers. They were among roughly two dozen people who offered their views during a …

Pa. Gov. Vows to Hold Up Medical-Malpractice Aid

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is threatening to withhold state aid to help doctors and other health care providers pay for their medical malpractice insurance unless lawmakers also act on his proposal to expand state health insurance for adults. Rendell called …

Pa. Hospitals Report Surgery Errors Caught Every Day But Many Occur

Pennsylvania hospitals reported making serious mistakes in the operating room — using the wrong procedure, operating on the wrong body part or even the wrong patient — 174 times during a 21/2 year period, according to a report released by …

Study: Malpractice Crisis had Little Effect on Pa. Doctor Supply

Spiraling-malpractice insurance costs appeared to have little effect on the number of doctors in high-risk specialties practicing in Pennsylvania over a 10-year period, according to a new study. Opponents of efforts to limit pain-and-suffering awards in medical malpractice lawsuits said …

Senator Says Pa. Payroll Tax for Health Insurance won’t Pass

Pennsylvania lawmakers are unlikely to pass Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposal to impose a new payroll tax that would help expand state-subsidized health insurance because of questions about its legality and its effect on businesses, a state senator said Tuesday. “I …

Pa. Republicans Question Payroll Tax for Expanded Health Coverage

Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania expressed reservations this week about imposing a new business payroll tax to help expand state-subsidized health insurance in the first public hearing on Gov. Ed Rendell’s plan to make health care cheaper and more efficient. The …

Pennsylvania Looks to Control Costs of ‘Cover All’ Health Program

Uninsured adults could find themselves on a waiting list if the demand for a proposed program to expand government-subsidized health coverage outstrips the state’s ability to pay for it, a Rendell administration official said. Rosemarie B. Greco, director of the …