Articles by Marty Ellingsworth

Marty Ellingsworth is Executive Managing Director, P&C Insurance Intelligence Group at J.D. Power. A seasoned professional in the insurance space with expertise in applied advanced analytics, data, AI, and cloud technologies, he’s also worked at Celent, USAA, Verisk, and Allianz (Fireman’s Fund) and has worked in healthcare and as a scientific analyst while an officer in the United States Air Force. Marty has a Bachelor of Science in operations research from the United States Air Force Academy and a Master of Science degree in operations research from the Air Force Institute of Technology.

Used-Vehicle Prices May Be Cresting but Insurers Still Underwater

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” would be an apt description of the last few years for auto insurers. Immediately after a nationwide, months-long driving hiatus caused collisions to plummet and profits to surge, …

Viewpoint: Used-Vehicle Prices May Be Cresting but Insurers Still Underwater

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” would be an apt description of the last few years for auto insurers. Immediately after a nationwide, months-long driving hiatus caused collisions to plummet and profits to surge, …

Viewpoint: How Progressive’s Relationship with ‘The Robinsons’ Could Be at Risk

Progressive offered a rare look inside their strategic playbook in a recent second quarter earnings report. Describing the firm’s market share in key customer segments, the report highlighted one group as its most significant growth opportunity. They are called the …

Tesla’s Phantom Brake Problem Exposes Need for Human Audits of Machine-Read Data

“Slamming on the brakes” is often a blaming moment. Someone most likely was not paying attention to conditions, but is that always the case? In the case of usage-based insurance models, which determine an individual driver’s rates based on patterns …

The Insurance Data War: How Old School and New School Can Live in Harmony

Old school vs. new school. Every so often, a debate echoes down the corridor of time as the disrupters of the status quo burst on the scene with novel ways of doing things, while the established players cling to the …

Predictive Analytics 2.0

Maximizing the science and art of business analysis with the next wave of data It is difficult to overstate the strides in efficiency being made by the insurance industry as a result of the effectiveness of predictive modeling tools and …