Articles by Mathieu Rosemain and Dominique Vidalon

French Court Deals Blow to Uber by Giving Drivers Employee Status

France’s top court has recognized the right of an Uber driver to be considered an employee, a ruling that could upend the U.S. firm’s business model and potentially require it to pay more taxes and benefits such as paid holidays. …

Ex-Executives at French Telecoms Group Orange on Trial over Wave of Staff Suicides

Former bosses at leading French telecoms group Orange were due to go on trial on Monday over a series of suicides at the company in the late 2000s – a traumatic episode that shocked the nation and raised questions over …

France Fines Google $57M for Breaching EU’s Data Privacy Rules Under GDPR

France’s data protection watchdog fined Alphabet’s Google 50 million euros ($57 million) on Monday [Jan. 21] for breaching European Union online privacy rules, the biggest such penalty levied against a U.S. tech giant. The French regulator said the world’s biggest …

Uber Expands Health Insurance Benefit to Drivers in 21 European Countries

Uber plans to offer all its European drivers an upgraded version of the health insurance it already provides in France in a drive to attract independent workers and fend off criticism over their treatment. The San Francisco-based taxi app, which …

With Just Weeks to Go for GDPR, Europe’s Regulators Say They’re Underfunded, Unprepared

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS/PARISβ€” Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been billed as the biggest shake-up of data privacy laws since the birth of the web. There’s one problem: many of the regulators who will police it say they aren’t ready yet. …

French Train Crash Caused by Technical Fault on Track, SNCF Says

The French train crash that killed at least six people on Friday afternoon was probably caused by a technical fault involving the track, the railway operator SNCF said. The piece of metal linking two train lines “broke away” when the …