Articles by Chevel Johnson, Matt Sedensky and Aaron Morrison

Entergy Louisiana: Hurricane Ida Power Restoration Could Take Weeks

Full restoration of electricity to some of the hardest-hit areas of Louisiana battered to an unprecedented degree by Hurricane Ida could take until the end of the month, the head of Entergy Louisiana warned Sept. 4. At least 16 deaths …

New York Undercounted Nursing Home Deaths by Thousands, Attorney General Says

New York may have undercounted COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents by thousands, the state attorney general charged in a report Thursday that dealt a blow to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s oft-repeated claims that his state is doing better than others …

How U.S. Government Will Handle COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims Is Largely a Secret

Lost in the U.S. launch of the coronavirus vaccine is a fact most don’t know when they roll up their sleeves: In rare cases of serious illness from the shots, the injured are blocked from suing and steered instead to …

Florida Van Crash Revives Concern About Safety of Vehicles

Federal transportation officials are investigating a crash that killed eight members of a Florida church who were riding in a type of van that has raised safety alarms for many years. It’s unknown what caused the overloaded 15-passenger van to …

Florida Republicans Propose Medical Marijuana Bills to Appease Voters

Republicans lawmakers in Florida who once opposed medical pot are now embracing it, motivated by the strong show of support from voters and worried that another constitutional amendment during next year’s presidential race could drive opponents to the polls. Last …

Medical Marijuana Campaign Resumes in Florida

Proponents of medical marijuana have begun an encore campaign for legalization in the state of Florida, filing a rewritten ballot measure just two months after one narrowly failed to pass. Backers of the constitutional amendment fell short of the 60 …

Nurses’ Group: Ebola Care Practices at Dallas Hospital Were Inconsistent

A Liberian Ebola patient was left in an open area of a Dallas emergency room for hours, and nurses treating him worked without proper protective gear and faced constantly changing protocols, according to a statement released by the nation’s largest …

Isaac Blows Past Florida Keys with Little Damage

Tropical Storm Isaac rolled over the open Gulf of Mexico on Monday, where it was expected to grow into a hurricane before hitting land somewhere between Louisiana and Florida and close to the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The storm …

Memphis Battles Rising Mississippi River

The Mississippi rose toward the highest level ever in the river city of Memphis, flooding pockets of low-lying neighborhoods and forcing more than 1,000 people from their homes, though the water was not threatening the music heartland’s most recognizable landmarks, …

Hurricane Forecasters Promise Earlier Warnings

The National Hurricane Center said this week it will begin issuing storm watches and warnings about half a day sooner in the biggest change to its warning system in decades. When a storm is approaching land, forecasters will now send …