Articles by Matthew Green

Climate Models Are Not Designed for Use by Financial Markets, Scientists Warn

Misuse of climate models could pose a growing risk to financial markets by giving investors a false sense of certainty over how the physical impacts of climate change will play out, according to the authors of a paper published on …

EU Climate Service Says September Was World’s Warmest on Record

Last month was the world’s hottest September on record, with unusually high temperatures recorded off Siberia, in the Middle East, and in parts of South America and Australia, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said on Wednesday. Extending a …

Frequent Wildfires Decimating Forests Becomes Concern Worldwide

Wildfires among ponderosa pines and Douglas firs of the U.S. West have long been part of nature’s cycle of renewal, as much as the changing of the seasons. But as climate change makes the region more arid, wildfires have grown …

Climate Change Litigants Argue Human Rights, Consumer Harm in Suing Oil Firms

LONDON/WASHINGTON/GENEVA — Climate change may be having its day in court. With the slow pace of international climate negotiations, lawyers from Switzerland to San Francisco are increasingly filing lawsuits demanding action. And they are getting creative — using new legal …

Climate Scientists Warn that Australia’s Bushfires Could Become the New Normal

Bushfires ravaging Australia have provided a foretaste of the kinds of conditions that could become normal unless the world moves rapidly to curb emissions of the greenhouse gases driving global warming, scientists have warned. Although Australia’s government and parts of …

European Investors Urge Big-Four Auditors to Take Action on Climate Risks

European investors managing assets worth more than 1 trillion pounds ($1.28 trillion) are pressing top auditors to take urgent action on climate-related risks, warning that failure to do so could do more damage than the financial crisis. The case for …

Insurers, Other Firms Criticize International Energy Report Over Climate Approach

Fatih Birol, the head of the International Energy Agency (IEA), faced renewed pressure on Monday from investors and scientists concerned about climate change to overhaul the agency’s projections for fossil fuel demand. Pension funds, insurers and large companies were among …

U.N. Science Panel Warns Climate Impacts on Oceans Include Rising Seas, Dry Rivers

Scientists behind a landmark study of the links between oceans, glaciers, ice caps and the climate delivered a stark warning to the world on Wednesday: slash emissions or watch cities vanish under rising seas, rivers run dry and marine life …

Insurers Join Call for Climate Action at U.N. Summit

Insurers and pension funds managing $2.3 trillion pledged on Monday to shift their portfolios away from carbon-heavy industries in the hope of triggering snowballing climate commitments from other big investors. German insurer Allianz, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), …

Britain Commits to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050

Britain has announced it will enshrine a new commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 into law, marking a first among G7 nations facing increasingly severe impacts from the climate crisis. With global carbon emissions at record …